Page 13 - Only a Sinner Saved by Grace???
P. 13

Only A Sinner Saved By Grace???


               SIN IS A CHOICE

               Because  Christians  have  the  power  of  the

               Spirit  of  Christ  living  within  them,  if  a

               Christian sins overtly, it’s a choice and not a

               helpless  reaction  to  sinful  emotions  and

               sinful  temptations.  First  Corinthians  10:13

               says, “There hath no temptation taken you

               but such as is common to man:  but God is

               faithful, who  will not suffer you to be tempted

               above  that  ye  are  able;  but  will  with  the

               temptation also make a way to escape, that

               ye may be able to bear it.” God will not allow

               sinful temptations in the lives of His children

               that He’s not equipped us to resist and bear

               up  under,  and  He’ll  make  a  way  for  us  to

               escape  or  to  counter  those  temptations.

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