Page 18 - Only a Sinner Saved by Grace???
P. 18

Only A Sinner Saved By Grace???

               In verse 5 of Romans 7, Paul speaks of being

               “in the flesh” in the past tense, which would

               suggest  a  first-person  narrative  in  verses  14

               through  23  of  Paul’s  inability  to  resist  sin

               before the Spirit of Christ freed him from sin’s

               bondage and control in his life.  But even as a

               Christian, Paul’s sinful nature warred against

               his new, Christlike nature, and in verse 25 of

               Romans  7,  Paul  expresses  an  impassioned

               yearning for ultimate deliverance from what

               Paul referred to as “the body of this death.”

               At the conclusion of chapter 7, however, Paul

               is not indicating that he did not have victory

               over  sin  in  his  struggle  between  his  old

               nature and his new nature, but he simply

               concedes  that  “they  that  are  in  the  flesh

               cannot please God” (Rom. 8:8) because those

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