Page 21 - Only a Sinner Saved by Grace???
P. 21

Only A Sinner Saved By Grace???

               helplessly yielding to sin’s temptations before

               he was empowered by the Spirit of Christ.

               But  after  conversion,  Paul  absolutely  did

               not live a life that was at the mercy of his

               sinful  nature.                      If  he  did,  why  would  he

               instruct  Christians  to  follow  him  as  he

               followed Christ?  Paul said to the Corinthian

               believers  in  1  Corinthians  11:1,  “Be  ye

               followers of me, even as I also am of Christ,”

               and in 1 Thessalonians 2:10, he said to the

               Thessalonian  believers,  “Ye  are  witnesses,

               and  God  also,  how  holily  and  justly  and

               unblameably we behaved ourselves among

               you  that  believe.”  Again,  it’s  evident  from

               these verses that, after Paul was saved, he

               was  not  just  a  helpless  “sinner  saved  by


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