Page 22 - Only a Sinner Saved by Grace???
P. 22

Only A Sinner Saved By Grace???

               At the end of his life, Paul did not claim to

               have  attained  sinless  perfection  (See  Phil.

               3:13-14),  but  according  to  Romans  7,  that

               was  the  desire  of  his  heart.  Unlike  Paul,

               though, many  professing Christians today

               want to use Romans 7 to justify and excuse

               their sins, and they seem to be looking for a

               loophole  in  God’s  Word  that  would  allow

               them to hold onto their pet sins and/or to

               continue  to  look,  talk,  and  live  like

               unbelievers  and  participate  in  worldly

               entertainment  and  activities  and  still  call

               themselves  Christians—which  would  call

               into  question  the  genuineness  of  a

               person’s conversion.

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