Page 20 - Only a Sinner Saved by Grace???
P. 20

Only A Sinner Saved By Grace???

               THE FLESH

               Paul goes on to say in Romans 8, verses 8 and


                    “So then they that are in the flesh cannot

                    please God.  But ye are not in the flesh,

                    but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of

                    God dwell in you.  Now if any man have

                    not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.”

               According to Strong’s Greek definitions, “the

               flesh denotes mere human nature, the earthly

               nature  of  man  apart  from  divine  influence,

               and  therefore  prone  to  sin  and  opposed  to

               God,” so when Paul speaks of those who are

               “in the flesh,” he’s speaking of the unsaved,

               those who do not have the “divine influence”

               in their lives (the Holy Spirit), which  would

               also  substantiate a pre-conversion  narrative

               in  Romans  7  of  Paul’s  recollection  of

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