Page 19 - Only a Sinner Saved by Grace???
P. 19

Only A Sinner Saved By Grace???

               who  are  not  converted  serve  the  law  of  sin

               (Rom. 7:25).

               And  when  Paul  referred  to  himself  as  the

               chief  of  sinners  in  1  Timothy  1:15,  he  was

               expressing a continual consciousness of his

               sinful past (just as many believers today look

               back with regret—and  often with disgust—

               at their past sins before they were converted).

               But Paul was not inferring that he continued

               to  be  the  chief  of  sinners  after  he  was

               converted  (as  some  professing  Christians

               would like to believe).  In fact, Paul had an

               extreme  sensitivity  and  abhorrence  for  sin,

               and  in  Romans  7:24,  he  communicated  his

               intense repulsion for the wretchedness of his

               sinful nature.

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