Page 27 - The Promise of Persecution
P. 27
I've got a lot of stories of individuals in
North Korea, Somalia, Nigeria, Vietnam. In
2003, 350 churches closed and leaders were
jailed or they came up missing. In one
providence, 50 pastors were arrested and
disappeared. Laos, Sudan — again, several,
several testimonies here. In the book of
Revelation we read about the church of
Smyrna, and later Polycarp pastored at
Smyrna, and he was burned by fire for his
faith in Christ. He was accused of being an
atheist because he refused to acknowledge
that the emperor of Rome was a god.
Polycarp knew the apostle John, the last
witness of the disciples. He was supposed to
have known John and wrote about him. He
was 86 when he died at Smyrna, and here's