Page 28 - The Promise of Persecution
P. 28

what he said right before his death: "The fire

             you  threaten  burns  for  a  time  and  then  is

             extinguished,  but  there  is  a  fire  you  know

             nothing of, the fire of eternal judgment, the fire

             reserved for the ungodly."

                    Again,  I  went  through  some  church

             history when I preached on this subject back

             in  2009,  and  I  mentioned  to  you  John

             Bunyan, William Tyndale, Tertullian.  Tertullian

             is the one, I believe, who said, "The blood of

             the martyrs is the seed of the church."  In other

             words,  the  church  took  root  through  the

             blood that was shed. William Tyndale was

             burned at the stake so that we could have a

             Bible. He's supposed to have said in prison,

             "Lord, open the king of England's eyes," and he

             was then strangled and burned to ashes. So

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