Page 6 - The Promise of Persecution
P. 6

unto you, The servant is not greater than

                    his lord. If they have persecuted me, they

                    will also persecute you; if they have kept

                    my  saying,  they  will  keep  yours  also.

                    21 But all these things will they do unto

                    you  for  my  name’s  sake,  because  they

                    know not him that sent me.”

                    Heavenly  Father,  we  do  ask  tonight  Your

             blessings  upon  the  reading  of  holy  Scripture.

             And,  Father,  we  pray  this  evening  that  You'll

             speak to us by Thy Holy Spirit, and, Lord, that

             we would consider the soberness of the text that

             we're coming to, for it's in Christ Jesus' name

             we pray, Amen.

                    You may be seated. Now, last week we

             looked at verses 16 and 17 in John chapter

             15, and we found four promises in verse 16.

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