Page 11 - The Promise of Persecution
P. 11
Many times we want to try to be friends with
the world or get the approval of the world.
You ask, "What is the world?" Well, in our
Galatians series just a couple of weeks ago
we spent a little bit of time on that, and I'll
just give you the verses instead of turning
to all of them. John chapter 14, verse 30,
tells us that Satan is the prince of this world,
and then 2 Corinthians 4 and verse 4 says
he's the god of this world. Satan blinds the
minds of them which believe not.
So the world here represents that system
that is in rebellion against God and His
church and is headed up by Satan, the
prince of this world. First John chapter 2,
verse 15, says, “Love not the world, neither