Page 12 - The Promise of Persecution
P. 12

the  things that  are in  the  world”;  in  other

             words, you can't love the Father and love

             the world.  James 4 and verse 4 clearly says

             that we can't be a friend of God and at the

             same  time  be  a  friend  of  the  world.                                                And

             there are three areas of temptation from the

             world; those are the lust of the flesh, the lust

             of the eyes, and the pride of life.  James 1:27

             says that we're to keep ourselves unspotted

             from the world, and Romans 12 and verse 2

             says  we're  not  to  be  conformed  to  the

             world. So we see in verse 18, “If the world

             hate you, ye know that it hated me before it

             hated you,” and verse 19, “If ye were of the

             world,  the  world  would  love  his  own:  but

             because ye are not of the world, but I have

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