Page 28 - Lovers of Pleasures More than Lovers of God
P. 28

by  their  sinful  nature,  and  Christian

             parents seem to be  totally oblivious to

             Satan’s  destructive  brain-washing  tactics

             in these films and programs that desensitize

             the child’s mind to the reality of a  holy

             God  of  creation  and  the  serious

             consequences of sin.

                    So what is my answer to the question

             “What do you do for fun”?  I can honestly

             say that the pleasures that this world has

             to  offer  —  even  so-called  “innocent”

             pleasures  —  are “anti-climactic” compared

             to  the  pleasure  and  the  joy  that  I’ve

             experienced as a Christian in knowing that

             my  sins  are  forgiven  and  living  in  close

             fellowship with my Savior.   It’s also been an

             incomparable  joy  to  teach  God’s  Word

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