Page 42 - The Television
P. 42
watched that growing up. That has to be
good.” And I watched it and got through
with it and threw the DVD away. You know,
you can throw them away when you only
pay a dollar for them. You don't feel too
bad about it. But I threw it away. Why? I
told my wife, "I had forgotten about
Bonanza. I grew up on that. I wasn't saved.
I thought it was good. I thought it was a
good program.” But what's the bottom line?
Do you know what the bottom line is?
There is no God. There is no church. There
is no Bible reading. There's nobody praying.
There's nobody seeking God. One writer
made this statement about Bonanza and
the Cartwright family: “To the unspiritual
mind, all is well, but here is a family with no