Page 6 - The Television
P. 6

say, but I do want to give you a few quotes

             by others over the years and what they have

             said about this particular subject.

                    Watching television has become America's

             favorite pastime.  We get most of our news

             from  the  television.    It's  become  a  baby-

             sitter for many families.  It is the family altar.

             It's the glass altar that is in most people's

             homes in the time in which we live.  One

             fellow  said,  "I've  watched  television  from

             infancy  to  adultery,"  and  that's  just  about

             the truth over the history of the subject of


                    We  begin  reading  in  verse  1  of  Psalm

             101.  David is writing, and he said:

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