Page 10 - The Television
P. 10

righteous  do?” The  foundation  is  what

             supports the edifice of a house. David said,

             “If the foundations be destroyed, what can

             the  righteous  do?” In  other  words,  if  the

             foundations crumble in our society — and

             they  have  crumbled  partly  due  to  the

             introduction of television into our society —

             he's  saying  what  can  the  righteous  do  if

             they have no foundation?

                    Now,  when  I  speak  of  television  this

             morning, I'm not necessarily talking about

             just the electronic device itself because we

             know  that  the  television,  the  electronic

             device, the instrument can be used for good

             or bad. We've got a television in the nursery

             right  now  that  is  showing  the  preaching

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