Page 8 - The Television
P. 8

us in truth and in righteousness and holiness.

             Lord, we thank You for who You are. Lord, we

             ask that Your will be done in each of our lives,

             for it's in Jesus Christ's name we pray, Amen.

                    You may be seated.  Someone said some

             years  ago  that  the  three  causes  of

             depression is ABC, CBS, and NBC, and that's

             probably  the  truth.  Somebody  said  that

             HBO stands for Hell's Box Office.  How true

             that is as well.  Somebody said, "If you have

             a half a mind to watch television, go ahead.

             That's all you need is about a half a mind."

                The Introduction of Television into

                                               Our Culture

                    Now, the first thing I want to present to

             you  this  morning  is  the  introduction  of

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