Page 12 - The Television
P. 12
We're going to be including all those things
if they're used for that which is wicked.
Now, I want you to understand as you
come to the Scriptures that God hates
idolatry. Anything that takes the place of
God is idolatry. The Bible says in 1
Corinthians 10:14, "Wherefore, my dearly
beloved, flee from idolatry.” We find that
the Lord is provoked to jealousy through
idolatry. We're to love the Lord with all our
heart, all our soul, our mind, and strength.
Do you realize this morning that 98.2
percent of all Americans have at least one
television in their home? In 1950 that was
only 9 percent. We find that 40 percent have
three or more televisions. Over 50 percent