Page 16 - The Television
P. 16

read everything I've got up here but just a

             few.  But let me say this before I get started.

             Ninety  percent  of  the  statistics  that  I'm

             going to give you are old, and I purposely

             kept  them  that  way.  We  know  that  the

             television today is out of Hell.  We know that

             there's nothing you can turn on today and

             watch  and  be  edified  as  a  Christian,  so  I

             don't even have to deal with the programs

             today.  I can take you back twenty years and

             show you they were out of Hell then, so if

             they were bad then, you know what's going

             on in our society today.

                    Over 70 percent of the average day care

             centers have televisions in order to baby-sit

             the children. The average American watches

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