Page 6 - Lordship Salvation
P. 6

Whosoever  believeth  on  him  shall  not  be

             ashamed.                 12  For  there  is  no  difference

             between  the  Jew  and  the  Greek:  for  the

             same Lord over all is rich unto all that call

             upon him.  For whosoever shall call upon

             the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

                    Heavenly Father, we do ask Thy blessings

             upon the reading of Scripture today, and, Lord,

             we do ask this morning that Thou would speak

             to our hearts, Lord. Help us and guide us, Lord,

             as  we  look  into  Thy  Word  to  consider  this

             subject here this morning. And, Father, I pray

             this morning that You would allow me to be able

             to convey what I believe that You have laid upon

             my heart to preach this morning, for it’s in Jesus

             Christ's name we pray, Amen.

                    And you may be seated.  I laid an article

             on the table that's titled “The Lordship of

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