Page 23 - Disney
P. 23
are in some of the jacket covers and in some of
the movies themselves, like The Lion King and The
Little Mermaid, The Rescuers, (a topless
model), Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and then
there is a ride that is Donald Duck, and like I
say, I'm not going there. I'm going to stick with
the fruit of this man's life. I'm not going to deal
with the subliminal messages or talk to you
about him personally, but I want you to see by
the time we get through with these movies what
he believed and what he was all about. And,
again, we could carry this much further than
this. I believe that Walt Disney introduced
children to the occult. I believe that Disney
movies are sending children to hell. Time
magazine called Walt “The Prince of American
Humanism.” Walt excluded Jesus Christ from
his films, I believe, for two reasons: One,
financially, because of greed and covetous. He