Page 26 - Disney
P. 26
Now, turn with me to 1 John chapter 5, and
I'm going to camp out here a little bit, and we're
going to get into some things about the
movies. And I'll just have to go for a while and
stop because I kind of get sick of this stuff after
a while, and I know that you will too. But I'll
give you a little bit of information that I believe
will be a help to you. Here is a magazine – and
I challenge you again; if you did not believe
anything else I said tonight, if you only
considered the nudity, the half-clothed women
and the men too, as far as that goes – if you only
considered that, as a true believer, that's enough
to say we're not going to be a part of that. So I
really don't need to go through the rest of this. I
would only need to take and show you the
cover pictures of some of these jackets
like Aladdin. I'm talking about a whore, basically,