Page 25 - Disney
P. 25

forth  good  fruit;  but  a  corrupt  tree  bringeth

             forth evil fruit.  A good tree cannot bring forth

             evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth

             good fruit.  Every tree that bringeth not forth

             good  fruit  is  hewn  down,  and  cast  into  the

             fire.  Wherefore by their fruits” – Are you with

             me?  – “ye  shall  know  them.”  Ye  shall  know

             them.   Now,  you  can't  have  two  masters

             (Matthew  6:24).  It's  either  God  or  the  devil;

             Amen?   You  cannot  serve  two  masters.   First

             Corinthians 10:21 says that you cannot drink the

             cup  of  the  Lord  and  the  cup  of  devils.   You

             cannot be partakers of the Lord's Table and of

             the table of devils.  You can't straddle the fence

             in God's eyes.  We can pretend to be something,

             but God knows.  Our fruit will show where our

             heart really is, and you cannot drink of both of

             these tables.

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