Page 52 - Disney
P. 52
his flute have magical powers, just like the
devil. He puts a little girl to sleep. This is one
he lures into his house. He puts her to sleep with
his music. The next scene shows the little girl
waking up, and he's crying claiming that he had
done something very bad” – and I'll stop reading
right there. Walt Disney is as wicked as
hell. And we wonder why people are not
responding to truth. This Narnia is a demonic
movie, and when I deal with C.S. Lewis, we'll
understand a little bit more.
Now, I could have gone a lot further than
this with a lot more material. But notice in 1
John 5:3: “For this is the love of God, that we
keep his commandments: and his commandments
are not grievous.” A preacher made this statement
about this verse and worldliness: "Anything that
causes you to look at the commandments of God
as grievous is worldliness.” I believe that we