Page 56 - Disney
P. 56

Word, we do the same thing many times.  Many

             so-called Christians practice witchcraft saying,

             "Oh, I know what the Bible says, but that doesn't

             really  relate  to  my  circumstance  or  my

             situation."  One of the reasons that I don't need

             Disney  or  anything  else  in  Hollywood  is

             because I have enough problems with the flesh

             anyway.   I've  got  enough  problems  with  the

             flesh, the lower nature that I carry around with

             me, and I sure don't need to be feeding it.  It

             gives me enough trouble now.  And I don't need

             to be feeding it so that it can become stronger. I

             need to be mortifying it, putting it to death.

                    Here's  what  we're  to  do,  Acts  chapter  19,

             verses 18 through 20.  This is, by the way, the

             city of Diana.  Acts chapter 19, verses 18 through

             20:  “And  many  that  believed  came,  and

             confessed,  and  showed  their  deeds.  Many  of

             them also which used curious arts brought their

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