Page 18 - Martial Arts
P. 18

as Eric Wilson the other fellow, “I will not use

             my  training  in  the  martial  arts  to  defend

             myself  ever.”  He  said,  “I  will  trust  in  the

             power of God.”

                    A lot of people say, "Well, I'm just doing

             it  for  self-defense.”  But  notice  our  text

             again, Romans 12:1 and 2: "I beseech you

             therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,

             that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,

             holy,  acceptable  unto  God,  which  is  your

             reasonable service.  And be not conformed

             to this world: but be ye transformed by the

             renewing of your mind, that ye may prove

             what  is  that  good,  and  acceptable,  and

             perfect,  will  of  God.”  These  verses  are

             dealing with our body and with our mind.

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