Page 22 - Martial Arts
P. 22

Now, in our text, we find in verse 1 that

             we're  to  present  our  bodies  as  a  living

             sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which

             is your reasonable service.                                     And then verse

             2 says, "And be not conformed to this world.

             .  ."    James  4:4  says  that  you  cannot  be  a

             friend of the world and be a friend of God,

             and he says, "but be ye transformed” — that

             is, to be changed — "by the renewing” —

             notice — “of your mind, that ye may prove

             what  is  that  good,  and  acceptable,  and

             perfect,  will  of  God.”  A  week  or  so  ago  I

             preached on the will of God.  We need to

             know  what  the  will  of  God  is.  So  we're

             looking at the physical aspect, the mental

             aspect,  and  also  the  spiritual  aspect  of

             training when it comes to martial arts.

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