Page 19 - Psalms 11 thru 20
P. 19

and endure as we live among the ungodly.

               Believers in our day can relate to Lot who

               was “vexed with the filthy conversation of

               the wicked” (2 Pet. 2:7).

               Scripture tells us that God will one day judge

               this  world  again  in  a  final  judgment  of  all

               mankind, and 2 Peter 2:6 tells us that the

               former judgments of God upon the earth are

               “examples unto those that after should live

               ungodly.” Sin is a serious matter to God, and

               a  person  must  be  cleansed  of  sin  by

               repenting and trusting in the shed blood of

               Christ for forgiveness of sin.

               Psalm 12 ends with another affirmation of

               David’s  confidence  in  the  purity,

               preservation, and eternality of God’s Word.

               In  Psalm  13  David  again  felt  forsaken  by

               God.  He was again concerned that if God

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