Page 18 - Psalms 11 thru 20
P. 18

Even  when  God  destroyed  Sodom  and

               Gomorrah,  God  spared  only  Lot  and  his

               family  because  Lot  was  a  righteous  man

               living  among  the  ungodly  (2  Pet.  2:6-8).

               Second Timothy 3:12 tells New Testament

               believers  that  “all  that  will  live  godly  in

               Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”  Sadly,

               much  of  that  persecution  comes  from

               professing Christians who choose not to live

               godly lives.

               In verses 2 and 3 of Psalm 12 is a description

               of  the  deceitful  conversations  and  empty

               lifestyles  of  the  unbeliever,  and  verse  4

               again expresses the prideful, independent,

               and  arrogant  attitude  of  the  ungodly  in

               relationship to their Creator. But thanks be

               to God, one day the LORD will “arise” and

               put an end to the evil and the injustices and

               the oppression that we as believers must see

   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23