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college or join the workforce after    Gonzalez filled her project with soil
     high school through an apprenticeship   and a succulent as a gift for her
     program," said Jolsna Thomas,          mom. She’s taking classes in green
     Rosendin Business Development          architecture and design modeling to
     Manager and Inaugural Chair for the    work toward her future career and
     Austin Chapter of NAWIC.               saw the camp as a way to get hands-
                                            on experience.
     Many students pick their career
     path in middle school, yet many        Her planned future is filled with
 ROSENDIN SPONSORS AUSTIN'S FIRST   girls never consider construction or   male-dominated spaces, but she’s not

                                            concerned. “I’ve always played a lot of
     specialty trades because they rarely
   CONSTRUCTION CAMP FOR GIRLS  see women in the fields. Camp NAWIC   co-ed sports and I’ve always been the
                                            only girl on my soccer team,” she said.
     was designed to inspire campers to
                                            “I’m kind of used to it. I don’t accept
     challenge bias that prevents women
     from seeking jobs in traditionally
     male-dominated industries.             no as an answer.”
                                            By the time Gonzalez and the others
 omen only make up 10 percent of the labor force   During the camp, girls had the opportunity to listen to   “Women are an untapped resource   in the camp are ready to join the
 in construction, according to data from the U.S.   speakers from different sectors within construction,   for the construction labor shortage   workforce, NAWIC wants to have
 WBureau of Labor Statistics. But as construction labor   including roofing, plumbing, electrical, and carpentry. They   that we are facing,” Ritchie says.   made progress in bringing more
 shortages become more pressing, one industry group is   also worked on a variety of hands-on projects, including   “Companies that hire diverse teams in   women into the field.
 tackling both problems with one swoop.  designing and pouring concrete planters, electrical wiring,   all facets report better performance,
 and assembling and painting a community library.  enhanced innovation, increased   Anahi Avila, an 8th-grader at the
 Rosendin sponsored Austin's first Construction Camp For   creativity and, most importantly,   camp, is out to prove she deserves the
 Girls from June 10th - 14th. The week long camp gave 13   As part of the sponsorship, Rosendin brought the girls   increased revenue.”    same chances as anyone else.
 girls heading into 7th, 8th, and 9th grades opportunities for   to the new office in Pflugerville, Texas for hands-on
 hands-on-learning and new experiences in an industry most   experience. The campers were taught basic electrical   This is the first camp of its kind in   “We can do the same thing as a
 young girls know little about.   skills, worked in REVIT, participated in augmented reality   Texas and it comes at a time when   guy can do,” she said. Her family is
 viewing through virtual reality headgear to understand how   contractors say they can’t find enough   involved in the construction industry,
 The camp was created by the Austin Chapter of the   buildings are build, built and wired a lamp to keep, and   workers."  and she wants to follow the same
 National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) to   spoke with female employees abut construction careers   path, working with her hands and
 enhance girls' educational development and expose them   ranging from installing conduit to computer modeling and   NAWIC hopes to convince the next   building something from the ground
 to new career possibilities. NAWIC holds similar camps   more.  generation of girls that working in the   up.
 for girls in San Diego, Kansas City, Baltimore, Chicago, and      construction sector is a good way to
 Orange County, California.   “What many people don’t realize is the construction   build a career.  "Rosendin believes a diverse
 industry is going high-tech, and if you are willing to learn   workforce can tackle challenges from
 “The purpose of the camp is to educate female students   and have the right attitude, Rosendin will train you for   Ramona Gonzalez needs no   many different perspectives," said
 about opportunities in the field of construction and to   a great career,” said Claire Acquilano, Rosendin Building   convincing. “I want to be a landscape   Cassandra Lopez, Rosendin PreFab
 recruit for our future workers and leaders,” says Taryn   Information Modeler.  designer or a sustainable builder,” the   Foreman. "This is why the company
 Ritchie, president of the Austin chapter of NAWIC. “We   8th-grader said as she removed her   not only sponsors opportunities
 started this Camp in Austin to give them hands-on   "I want all girls to know that there is a huge opportunity in   concrete planter, imprinted with a   to expose girls and women to the
 experience and to inform them of the many roles that they   the construction industry that can provide a rewarding and   design and the letters L-O-V-E on the   industry, but also take steps to
 can choose in the construction industry.”    financially beneficial career, whether they choose to attend   corners, from a plastic mold.  develop workers based on their
                                            unique skill sets."

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