Page 13 - Q3_2020_Rosendin_Corp_Newsletter
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ROSENDIN FALL PREVENTION n late summer, Rosendin entered the communications solutions, and we are These programs focus on identifying and
thrilled to bring this to Tennessee.”
Nashville area market with 300-new jobs
removing barriers to promote equity for
and TESTING the HUMAN LIMITS Iin Gallatin, TN where the company is For more than 100 years, Rosendin has all. They include employee training videos,
created a welcoming work environment
part of the team building one of the most
growing Rosendin’s Core Clarity Personal
innovative data centers in the country. The
company also recently released a Zero focused on building people and Discovery program to teach unconscious
communities. To ensure that every
bias, expanding opportunities to Rosendin’s
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Every company faces dangers unique to their Tolerance for Racism policy and will enforce new hire and current employee will Leadership Academy, and providing
Administration (OSHA), fatalities caused by falls from industry, and every individual becomes part of the it at the new regional office. have an opportunity to reach their full avenues to report discretions anonymously.
elevation continue to be a leading cause of death solution to preventing injuries. This reenactment is potential, leaders at the Gallatin office
for construction employees. Partnering with OSHA more than a construction industry awareness video, As one of the most experienced builders of and construction sites pledged to stand As one of the largest employers of licensed
for injury prevention, Rosendin encourages other but a general public service announcement on the mission-critical data centers, Rosendin is up against any form of discrimination, electricians from the International
companies to help in the effort to prevent injuries risks of falls, and how to prevent them. If one person providing electrical construction services racism, hazing, bullying, or harassment. It Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW),
from a fall. To shed light on this danger, Rosendin's takes a few seconds to double-check their PPE for the new local facility that will be is a pledge company leaders also made as Rosendin believes in workers’ rights to fair
Training Department produced a video that simulates because of this video, we accomplish our goal. powered entirely by renewable energy proud sponsors of the Associated General wages and benefits that support the worker
what would happen to the human body if a person sources. Rosendin is currently filling Contractor’s Culture of CARE initiative. and their family. Collective bargaining
were to fall from a height of 12 and 20 feet. OSHA is just one agency whose purpose is to 300 opportunities for skilled electrical agreements ensure every IBEW member
protect employees from injury; there are many other workers, apprentices, and administrative “As a leader in the building industry, we employed by Rosendin receives fair pay,
Using ballistic dummies that are 95% direct companies and industry organizations that help in professionals who want to help build feel it is our responsibility to promote medical insurance, educational funding, and
recreations of the human body, the Rosendin team injury prevention awareness. Join our efforts to keep Tennessee’s critical infrastructure. equality and diversity by taking this pledge retirement benefits.
got real results, on camera, while in a controlled employees educated and safe so they can, in turn, and adopting a Zero Tolerance for Racism.
setting. Statistical analysis of the force of a fall are help their peers and families stay safe. We believe “This year’s shift to online learning and Discrimination of any kind will not be Company leaders are also working with the
seen throughout to show how a fall affects the human that together, we can make a difference. working from home has magnified the tolerated, because we believe everyone National Electrical Contractors Association
body, and ways to ensure that our workers keep incredible value of building secure, high deserves the highest level of respect,” said (NECA) to make diversity and inclusion
themselves safe on a project site. A medical doctor To watch and download Rosendin's Fall tech data centers that support the region’s Mike Greenawalt, Rosendin CEO. a priority and identify opportunities for
provided an on-site analysis of the injuries sustained Prevention video, visit digital needs,” said Cannon McAdoo, education and growth.
immediately after each fall, including the possible com/s/qpea213unf6ac4mhl60rasw84h6dp2md/ Rosendin Division Manager in Gallatin. In addition, Rosendin will expand training
cause(s) of death. A mock autopsy was performed on file/691531297227. “Rosendin is a leader in this specialty programs and develop new initiatives To learn more about our new office in
each dummy to discover any internal damage to the field, having built data centers in the based on its core values of “We Care. We Tennessee and potential open positions
body. U.S. with reliable electrical power and Share. We Listen. We Innovate. We Excel.” visit
DISCLAIMER: This experiment is to simulate a real-life scenario. However, we are not going to be 100% accurate to what EXACTLY would happen if a person were to fall. Due to a
variety of factors such as using ballistics dummies, orienting the fall from a standing position, and conducting the experiment in a controlled setting, the results are not 100% accurate. Issue 3, 2020 | The Feeder 13
If you are not in construction, this is still a good time to take an inventory of fall hazards associated with your work.
Issue 3, 2020 | The Feeder 13