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Introducing the Rosendin                                                                                                               sˆ‰rˆs
        AR  APPLICATIONS                                                                                                                       11.1

        SHEET & FIELD

        VIEWERS                                                                                                                                  Šnds                                  BENEFITS OPen

                                                                                                                                          11.15                                                 Enrollment

        Rosendin's BIM team has developed two   they saw the potential application for
        Augmented Reality (AR) applications   the technology in QA/QC, Preplanning,
        in-house known as the Field Viewer   and Layout. However, they also quickly
        (HoloLens) and Sheet Viewer (iPad). We   realized that to achieve its full potential,                                                                                                                                  2020
        are aware that the Who, What, Where,   it would need to be decoupled from the
        When, and Why of the applications is not   sheet, so the 3D representation would
        widely known throughout the company,   happen at full scale.
        and we plan on fixing that in this article.
        First, we will provide a history of how   The next version of the AR Applications
        the idea started. Then we will discuss   used QR codes to place the model in the   Furthermore, it doesn’t require the user
        the development process and ongoing   real world. This made it much easier to   to be holding it, freeing up their hands to
        improvements to the applications. Finally,   visualize the design intent as it showed the   complete actual tasks. Both applications
        we will talk about ‘How’ you can get it and   model at true to life scale. Unfortunately,   are currently available for mass use.
        use it on your projects.             the real world didn’t always match the   Still, development continues to add
                                             model conditions. Sometimes the location   new features and capabilities, further
        It all began with a conversation between   that was chosen for the QR code did   expanding its usability and value.
        Jose Samaniego, BIM Technology Solutions   not exist yet, elevations were wrong, or
        Development Lead,  and Fred Meeske, VP   there could be something obstructing the   Now, it is time to get the applications out
        BIM Modeling, years ago. Fred wanted   selected location. After learning this, Jose   and into your hands. Both the Field Viewer
        to know more about Jose’s background,   worked on developing a new, two-point   and Sheet Viewer can be used for the
        trying to find a way to leverage it to better   based locating system. The user would   same applications of QAQC, Preplanning,
        the company. At that time, Fred had   choose two points in the model to be   Installation Verification, and possibly               Rosendin’s 2020 Open Enrollment starts November 1!
        started to get more interested in AR and   added to the export, and then they would   more than we have thought of. How you                Keep in mind, this is the only time of year (outside of a
        VR technologies and was looking for ways   shoot those same two points from the   choose which one to use is up to how
        to benefit from the latest upgrades of the   model on the iPad to place the model. This   and where you plan on using it. The Field    qualifying life event) employees can do one of the following:
        technology. As they talked, Fred learned   made the model easier to access and more   Viewer is made for the HoloLens and has
        of Jose having a Bachelor’s degree in game   accurate to place. In cases where the two-  the benefit of being attached to a hard
        design. This background made him an ideal   point system wouldn’t work, or the need to   hat. As a hands-free device, it is safe to use
        candidate to help Fred move forward with   relocate the model came up, a workaround   while in the field, especially if you are in a   ENROLL                      RENEW/WAIVE                           ADD/REMOVE
        researching the possibilities of this new   was created to relocate to the model   more hazardous environment. The Sheet
        technology.                          directly from the application making the   Viewer is made for the iPad and gives the       IN PLANS                                 COVERAGE                           DEPENDENTS
                                             placement and use more user friendly.  convenience of being an easy-to-access
        Shortly after the meeting, Jose was tasked                                 application on a device that is readily
        with developing a sample AR application,   Field Viewer is a version of the Sheet   available to the field personnel.                           CHANGE                                      DECLINE
        running on an iPad, that would scan a sheet   Viewer that runs on the HoloLens, a
        and overlay a 3D model that represented   headset with a holographic display, a   The use of these applications is a service                PLANS/CARRIERS                                  COVERAGE
        the 2D information shown on top of the   camera, and four sensors to scan the   offered through the BIM department. Any
        sheet. This would be the first version of   environment. For the added bulk, the   inquiries about how to use or acquire the
        the Sheet Viewer and where it received   HoloLens provides higher accuracy   applications should be handled through
        its name from. As development went on,   and more impressiveness in the model.   BIM support.
                                                                                                                                                  Questions? Contact HR           SAVE THE DATE! More information coming soon.

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