Page 17 - 2019_Issue1_Rosendin Newsletter
P. 17

continued from page 15

 of our current technology building.   developments; and enhancements to   what “it” is. It is not magic beans that
 The team at the new building will   existing processes and equipment.   grow through the clouds or someone
 continue to provide the traditional   who can leap tall buildings in a single
 services of the department in addition   In closing, there is much I have learned   bound, “it” is just tools to improve your
 to training and testing of new and   on this journey. For anyone considering   efficiency.
 improved methods for field installation   new technologies or struggling with
 of electrical systems. In addition, the   them, know that technology isn’t new.   There are two critical points to
 building will have total stations for Holo   It is a force that is continually evolving   remember: 1. the rate at which “it”   WE ARE HIRING!
 Lens; AR viewers; in-wall, overhead   and changing shape. Before you decide   technology grows, 2. the rate at which
 and underground electrical systems for   if technology is good or bad for you   “we” can consume it.
 the training of staff and testing of new   or your organization, first determine
                      Do you know someone looking for more than just a job?

                               Rosendin offers positions ranging from internships

 Healthcare facilities   A: At Rosendin, we   Q: What things   to full-time at locations across the country.
 include outpatient   expect healthcare   might an electrical
 centers and other   retrofit and new   distributor focus        Refer a future co-worker today!
 clinics and care centers   construction will see   on in dealing
 that are not as complex   significant growth   with companies
 as hospital campuses   over the next five to   associated with the
 but still require the   seven years. This is   market?
 same amount of   primarily due to the   A: Stay engaged even
 planning and projects   large population of   after the sale to build
 management when   Baby Boomers who   the relationships
 it comes to their   are nearing and   that will help them
 construction.  entering retirement. As   get regular business.
 The Healthcare   As a result, there is   healthcare technology   To build trust with
 continues to turn over
 Facilities Market  much opportunity in   and evolve quickly,   distributors need to
 it will require new
 healthcare facilities
 act professionally and
 construction for   medical equipment and  should never share the
 A conversation with   electrical distributors   infrastructure that can   conversations they have
 meet these demands.
 able to fill the supply
 with contractors with
 Ken Kaplan, Senior    chain pipeline for these   their competitors.
 Project Manager  projects.  Q: Where is there   It’s also essential that
 an opportunity
 Ken Kaplan is senior   in this market   distributors not only
 project manager for   for electrical   train their employees so
 Rosendin Electric in   distributors?  they are knowledgeable
 San Francisco. Here he   A: As the demand   in terms of products,
 offers his thoughts on   for advanced   but also pay their
 the potential of the   healthcare facilities   staff well to reduce
 health care facilities   grows, electrical   turnover. Contractors   GRADUATE  FIELD/CRAFT  PROFESSIONAL
 market:  distributors have great   like seeing the same
 opportunities and   faces and working with   Full-time entry-level    Field positions such as:   Project Manager, Estimator,
 Q: What are your   should get involved as   companies that they   positions to begin your    Electricians, Fire Alarm   EHS Manager, Electrical
 thoughts in regard   early as possible. It’s   have built a trusted   career in the electrical   Technicians, Service Truck   Engineer, BIM Modeler,
 to expansion   important to engage   relationship with.  construction industry.  Drivers, Helpers, Apprentices,  other professional ready
 and growth of   your manufacturer reps
 construction   to present product                    Foreman, General Foreman,         for a challenge!
 and renovation   lines for use in building           Quality Control Leads, Start-
 Reprint from Ted Magazine (February 2019)            Up Technicians, and more.
 By Jim Romero   for healthcare   healthcare facilities.

 16    The Feeder | Issue 1, 2019  BUILDING QUALITY | BUILDING VALUE | BUILDING PEOPLE                ®
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