Page 19 - 2019_Issue1_Rosendin Newsletter
P. 19

How is design-build engineering and prefabrication       space on 399 Fremont,
         changing the traditional construction site?              which consisted of multiple
         STEPHENS: A true design-build scenario is an optimal     lighting control zones,
         delivery method for maximizing prefabrication as it enables   planter boxes, benches,
         all stakeholders to have input on what would be the most   outdoor showers, barbecue
         efficient installation. The projects we’ve seen that benefit   countertops, kitchen spaces,
         the most under a design-build scenario over the traditional   swimming pool and spa.
         construction method are ones that integrate a contractor’s   Accommodating the lighting
         prefabrication efforts with the entire project team. Having a   design was incredibly
         fully coordinated model enables the prefabrication efforts,   challenging. The original
         however, I believe we as an industry still have an opportunity  design simply wouldn’t
         to better align our individual prefabrication efforts for   allow a satisfactory electrical
         common work packages.                                    install, so we held multiple   Mark Stone, Project Manager
                                                                  meetings for adjusting            (San Francisco)
         What risks/challenges might the industry face by         architectural finishes to
         using these new technologies?                            accommodate electrical work which took place over the
         STEPHENS: Our experience is that this is kind of a chicken   course of six months. Keeping the customer budget’s in
         or the egg scenario. We are starting to see a large number   mind, all parties mutually agreed on a slight re-design over
         of people with a significant amount of experience leave our   the months, which left everyone happy. Please note that
         industry, so these kinds of tools and methods are a necessity   all of this required early in-slab conduit runs, so this was
         in order to adapt to a changing workforce. On the flip side,   a challenge we had to address very early in the project.
 THE CHANGING   be formed and make it more challenging when these tools   had to accommodate aesthetics and the San Francisco Fire
                                                                  Exterior Fire Alarm was also part of the challenge, as we
         due to the power of these tools, a dependence can quickly
         are not available. The fallout comes because most projects
         are still not supporting a sophisticated or any VDC process,
 FACE OF THE   which is really what enables most of these elements.  What are the costs of implementing design-build
                                                                  STEPHENS: From our perspective, there are no costs. While
         Your portfolio includes multifamily projects in
                                                                  preconstruction costs may be higher, the more efficient
         San Jose and San Francisco which feature design-
 CONSTRUCTION SITE  build engineering. Could you highlight one of your   construction will provide for a higher quality product and
                                                                  opportunities for savings dollars in the long run.
         most challenging projects? What obstacles did you
         STONE: One major challenge for Rosendin was housing six
                                                                  STEPHENS: We have a significant culture around safety
         medium voltage substations with very limited space—at    What are your latest innovations?
 Reprinted from Commercial Property Executive | By Evelyn Jozsa  399 Fremont, a design-build residential project in San   here at Rosendin. We work closely with our suppliers and
         Francisco—including two on the 42nd floor, along with a   vendors to identify ways to be innovative in a collaborative
         generator on the floor above. The code cycle was listed   manner. The latest example of this has been working with
         for 1999—the two-year project was completed in 2014.     a major tool manufacturer to help us redesign a bandsaw
         However, PG&E and local AHJ were tight on ensuring all   that contains a two-handed safety switch. This was designed
 How is augmented reality   medium voltage was built with recent codes in mind—  and created from representatives in our field operations as a
 How do digital tools impact   used to facilitate the   somewhat hybrid. Multiple meetings with the building   result of identifying a more efficient and safer way to handle
 contractors' work? Rosendin's Brandon   construction process?  department and PG&E had to take place to ensure all parties  this type of equipment. The efforts resulted in a completely
                                                                  redesigned saw that eliminated blade rotation when only
         were satisfied. Meeting the standards of local entities while
 Stephens and Mark Stone shed light on   STEPHENS: We have been   satisfying customer budget was monumentally difficult, but   one hand is engaged. This innovative approach to a potential
 working with augmented
 how technology is transforming the   reality for over a year and   it was accomplished.  problem was due to the relationship with our vendor and
 traditional construction site, as the   have deployed on a variety   We were also met with challenges regarding the location and   thinking innovatively to find a solution.
 business is facing a labor shortage.  of projects as part of our BIM   logistics. The 399 Fremont project was located at the first   Where is the construction sector heading? What are
 process. Our current AR efforts
 have been focused on safety   major intersection/off-ramp to the Bay Bridge where traffic   your predictions for the future?
 The construction industry is slowly entering a new era,   and quality where we have   was extremely congested and very dangerous. Material   STEPHENS: Our short-term outlook is very positive both
 where innovative technologies are at the foundation of   developed simulations through   deliveries and loading dock spaces were very limited in   locally (Stephens is based in Phoenix) and nationally. We are
 alternative delivery methods. Building Information Modeling   our BIM process that can   Brandon Stephens  space and time. In fact, local authorities would regularly   fortunate to have a number of significant clients operating
 (BIM) andaugmented reality are already part of modern   replicate the exact conditions   Division Manager (Arizona)  monitor the location to ensure lanes weren’t blocked.   at record levels that we anticipate will continue through
 construction projects. Commercial Property Executive talked   that an individual will face,   That forced us to get very detailed and plan deliveries   2020. Additionally, we are starting to see other clients being
 with San Jose-based Rosendin's Division Manager Brandon   including manipulation of tools in a given situation. This   well in advance. To accomplish this, Rosendin initiated   open to utilizing alternative delivery methods in an effort to
 Stephens and Project Manager Mark Stone to gain some   provides a deeper training opportunity to enhance our safety   condensed/prefabricated deliveries with vendors at unique   ease some of the strain of the current shortage of labor. My
 insights on how the construction industry is adapting to the   training, especially when high-risk scenarios are involved.  times throughout the day in order to keep the volume to a   hope is that this trend will continue as we are seeing owners
 changing workforce landscape and what’s expected going   minimum, limit the time for offloading deliveries, as well as   recognize the value of a more transparent, team-based
 forward.  stray away from congested times throughout the day.    approach in our industry.
         Another interesting aspect was the outdoor amenity

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