Page 14 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 14

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     Celebrating 10 Years of Service
     Celebrating 10 Y

     Jody Harbour                                              John DePace                                                         Kevin Scavera                                         Kevin Teague
     Project Coordinator                                       Senior Estimator                                                    General Foreman                                       Construction Electrician
     Sherman, TX                                               Tempe, AZ                                                           Prineville, OR                                        Pflugerville, TX                                       10 Years of Service

     Jody started with REI in 2013. Throughout his time here at MPS/REI,   Since joining Rosendin in 2013, John has been very impactful to our   Kevin joined Rosendin in September of 2010 as a Journeyman   Kevin has been a valued member of the Rosendin organization
     Jody has demonstrated the ability to manage work while maintaining   department. Whether doing change orders, leading complex projects,   wireman. He quickly stood out as an elite installer, working on large   since 2013.In the field, Kevin would set the pace for installation
     high quality and integrity. He has been a quality, honest, and dependable   or training our next leaders, John will give his all (over 40 years of   one-line power systems. Over the past 13 years, Kevin continued   expectations and consistently achieved install rate goals provided.
     employee. He is a valuable member of the team, and we are honored    experience) to ensure the assigned goals are well executed. A team   to excel and elevate into field leadership roles as a FM, GF, and to   Kevin is a team member that one would want to be the first
     to have had him on the team for the last 10 years and look forward    player with a long-term commitment to make everyone around him   his current role as field superintendent. He has established himself   person on the project. He is reliable, dependable, and a valuable
     to another ten years of partnership. Congratulations, Jody on your    better. In recent years, John has played an important role in training    as someone who is able to mentor and lead very efficient teams.   part of the team.
     10-year anniversary.                                      and mentoring our young estimators and assistant project managers.   Under his leadership, those teams have executed multiple best   Contributed by John Moss
     Contributed by Todd Parmenter                             Thank you for your continued contributions and services to Rosendin!  in class projects. Thank you, Kevin, for being a part of Rosendin!
                                                               Contributed by Vu Le                                                We appreciate you and are looking to many years to come.
                                                                                                                                   Contributed by Allen Dewitt

     Joshua Salazar                                            Juan Fang Almanza                                                   Ladislao Juarez                                       Larry Hambric
     Assistant Project Manager                                 General Foreman                                                     Revit and Autodesk Developer                          Foreman
     Tempe, AZ                                                 Anaheim, CA                                                         Anaheim, CA                                           Sterling, VA

     Josh is one of the greatest individuals I’ve had the pleasure of    Juan started with Rosendin on May 16th, 2013 as an 80% apprentice   Loyal and dedicated team members like you are the foundation of   Larry started with Rosendin in 2013 as an electrician in the field,
      working with. He is passionate, dedicated, and thorough. Throughout   at Courtyard Marriott. With his hard work and willingness to learn, he   our success. Thank you for your accomplishments and commitment   then moving to BIM in 2016. His knowledge allowed him to excel
      his time with Rosendin, Josh held many titles ranging from production   is now working as a general foreman at 8th & Fig. Juan has worked on   to excellence. Congratulations on your anniversary!  as a coordinator. He is organized, driven, and works to provide
      to management. With 20 years of industry experience, Josh has a   many diverse projects such as Courtyard Marriott, Metropolis, Argyle,   Contributed by Justin White              the project teams with the most up to date information to install
      unique ability to relate to and create relationships with everyone from   and Century City just to name a few. Juan is always willing do anything                                  complex electrical systems. Here on the East coast, we have a strong
      apprentices to senior leadership. Thank you for what you bring to the    for you and help train you. Juan, thank you for your hard work and                                        presence in the Data Center market. The projects are fast paced and
      job every day. We look forward to working with you for years to come.  commitment to the team, and to Rosendin. Congratulations on                                                 require a strict eye on detail and Larry has been instrumental in our
      Contributed by Brian Tiffer                              reaching your 10-year milestone.                                                                                          success on these projects. Thank you, Larry, for all your continued
                                                               Contributed by Lee Gutierrez                                                                                              efforts to help Rosendin succeed and grow in these markets.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Contributed by Jeffery Adams

     Jubal Stokes                                              Kevan Burton                                                        Larry Munger                                                             Laura Alloway
     General Foreman                                           Data & Telecom Manager                                              Foreman                                                                  Senior Integrated Marketing Manager
     Anaheim, CA                                               San Jose, CA                                                        Hillsboro, OR                                                            Sterling, VA
     Jubal has been a general foreman in the renewables division for the past   Kevan and I started our journey here at Rosendin in 2013.    Larry started with us in the field as a Journeyman wireman     Laura’s selflessness and
     10 years. He has played a momentous role in many successful projects.   Kevan has been an instrumental part of keeping our network    in June of 2013 and quickly rose into the role of Foreman.       commitment to her colleagues is
     Jubal is a true leader demanding quality and excellence in this industry.   stable and secure for a decade and has done a masterful job of it.   When the need arose for help in Rosendin’s prefabrication    unmatched. Since 2014, Laura has
     His experience, positive outlook, and his tenacious attitude is invaluable.    Keep up the great work Kevan!                  shop he did not hesitate and took the jump. Larry was                    supported the growth of the East region
     He is firm, but fair, and is an honor to have him on the Rosendin team.                                                       promoted to foreman’s position in our Prefab shop and                    in BD and was vital in creating the new
     Thank you for your continued commitment and service!      Contributed by James McGibney                                       has been instrumental in the day-to-day operations.                      Marketing department. Her grit, grace
     Contributed by Keith Marcione                                                                                                 He is always looking for ways of improving our processes.    under pressure, dependability, and drive have been instrumental
                                                                                                                                   Thank you, Larry, for your service, dedication, and willingness    in Marketing’s growth and success. In addition to being a wife and
                                                                                                                                   to teach others to make the prefab team at Rosendin a success.  mom of three, Laura is the heart of the department, rendering
                                                                                                                                   Contributed by Dale Huskey                            an ear to listen, someone to laugh with or bring challenges to.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Undoubtedly, Laura will continue to embrace challenges and
                                                                                                                                                                                         drive teams towards success.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Contributed by Salina Brown

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