Page 19 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 19

Celebrating 10 Years of Service

 Paul Hodges  Paul Stevens  Rob Schreiber                      Robert Kucera
 General Foreman   Purchasing Agent   Data Analyst             Area Foreman
  Tempe, AZ  San Jose, CA  Phoenix, AZ                         Pflugerville, TX                                       10 Years of Service

 Rosendin strives to build success through our vision to Lead,    Paul is an integral part of our team. He keeps all our material flowing   Rob brings a very distinctive experience to Rosendin having    Bob has been a respected member of the Rosendin organization
 Inspire and Build. These principles are carried out by hard working   to the field and has done a great job at it for years. He is patient and   worked in a completely different field for most of his life.    since 2013. His logistical skills, attention to detail, and positive
 individuals, such as yourself, who are dedicated to our values and   hard working. Paul has recently taken on the role of training another   He has helped create key tools that have allowed projects    attitude towards accomplishing the goals of any project have
 culture. Thank you for your ongoing commitment, and congratulations   purchasing agent and is excelling at that as well. He does the best   to manage increasingly complicated planning and reporting    been a valuable asset to company. The perspective he brings to
 on your milestone anniversary!  European voice impressions. If you run into him, you really should    customer requirements. Rob also assisted in starting our    the problems we face at work is refreshing. He helps put into
 Contributed by Murray Long  ask about it. Thank you for all that you do and for making us laugh!  analytics group, which is now contributing to the future plans    context our day to day “work problems” when compared to his
 Contributed by Jenica Bixler  of Rosendin. Thank you for your continued commitment to    combat military experience.
        the team and to Rosendin.                              Contributed by John Moss
        Contributed by Jad Chalhoub

 Rafael Lopez  Raymond Flores                                                     Rogelio Wallace
 Journeyman Wireman   Quality Assurance & Commissioning Regional Manager   Robin Mitchell  Area Superintendent
 Pflugerville, TX  Anaheim, CA  Foreman                                           Pflugerville, TX
                           Sterling, VA
 Rafael began working at Rosendin as an apprentice in 2013.    Raymond has worked on many different projects over the past 10 years.   Ro has been a great asset to Rosendin
 Since then, he has become a Journeyman and has contributed a   His technical expertise and dedication to quality have made a positive   Robin joined Rosendin as an    since 2013. He has been a part of,
 dedicated 10 years with us. Rafael is a reliable team member who    impact to the projects and people he has been engaged with. His positive   apprentice in Feb 2013 and has    and lead, several successful projects
 has worked at the ICU facility for the past 10 years. He is always willing   attitude, knowledge, and leadership are what have led to his promotion   been a valued team member on several   throughout his time. Even with all the
 to go the extra mile to make sure the job runs smoothly. Away from    to quality & commissioning regional director where he oversees the   projects in the region. She is currently   great projects he’s been a part of, his
 work Rafael enjoys spending time in his new home with his wife and    team for the Renewables region. He truly emulates Rosendin’s mission   a FA Manager in the Sterling VA office   greatest accomplishments are the team
 twin sons. We thank you for your dedication and contributions to   statement of Building Quality, Building People, and Building Value. Thank   holding a NICET certification overseeing several projects. During her   he has built around him. Ro has encouraged his team to achieve
 Rosendin over the last 10 years.  you for your service and being a part of what makes Rosendin successful.   tenure Robin has been committed to not only her own growth but   more than they thought was possible. Day in and day out, living
 Contributed by Rogelio Wallace  We are looking forward to many more years as we continue to grow.  mentoring many other individuals with on the job training, leading   the Rosendin core values and instilling them into those around
 Contributed by Brandon Floyd  after hours workshops, and assisting them with pursuing their own   him. We’re thankful to have you as a key part of Rosendin.
        NICET certifications. Thank you for your continued commitment.  Contributed by Justin Prince
        Contributed by William Ball

 Ricardo Ortiz  Richard Sanchez  Ron Hopgood                   Ron Simonis
 Journeyman Wireman   Laborer   Operations Manager             Senior Safety Manager
 San Jose, CA  San Jose, CA  Anaheim, CA                       Tempe, AZ
 When someone says, a person has a “can do it attitude”, they are more   Richard Sanchez is a very motivated individual who has been working   Congratulations, Ron on 10 years of service with    Ron has been instrumental in the professional development of many
 than likely talking about Mr. Ortiz. Ric takes his job very seriously and has   with our division since 2013 as a laborer. Richard’s experience and   Rosendin. His dedication and contribution to the success    safety professionals since joining Rosendin’s Arizona Safety team in
 a positive attitude while at work. He is a great addition to our team when   knowledge helped to make each job easy to others. He loves to teach    of our Renewable Energy Group is extremely appreciated.    2013. His wisdom and knowledge of the Rosendin safety program
 he’s on site. Congratulations on your 10 years and we hope to continue   the new generation to have a good work ethic and we thank him for    Since 2013, he has demonstrated commitment and drive    and the local intricacies of Arizona have allowed him to contribute
 to work with you for many more years.  his continued commitment and service to the team Rosendin.  to ensure the success of Rosendin and his fellow coworkers.    significantly to our program and team. Thank you for all you do.
 Contributed by Fernando Sierra  Contributed by Marco Fernandez  Starting as a project manager, Ron quickly excelled and grew   Contributed by Rick Brown
         to his role as operations manager. His knowledge and expertise
        has allowed RREG to excel now and in the future. Thank you
        for your service and commitment to our company and team.
        Contributed by David Lincoln

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