Page 21 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 21

Celebrating 10 Years of Service

 Ronald Burrows  Ruben Santiago  Scott Fiffick                 Shan Hicksonbottom
 Foreman Inside Wireman    General Foreman    Designer III     Foreman
 Anaheim, CA  Anaheim, CA  Sterling, VA                        Anaheim, CA                                            10 Years of Service

 Congratulations on reaching this milestone! We applaud    Ruben joined the Rosendin team in 2013 as a journeyman.    Scott has been an integral member of the engineering department   Shan started with Rosendin In July of 2013 as a summer helper,
 your dedication and recognize you for the work you do    Rubens “can do” attitude, technical background and leadership    for 10 years. His contributions cannot be overstated. Scott is a   joining the apprenticeship a year later. He takes on any challenge
 every day that impacts the company and those we serve.  qualities were recognized instantly. These qualities made him a    dedicated and conscientious electrical designer who produces    given to him and when he’s done, just asks for a bigger challenge
 Contributed by Vojin Markovic  perfect candidate to lead as a foreman in some of Rosendin first    high quality work on time and under budget. He spends a large   next time. He is dedicated to not only Rosendin, but to the industry
 self-performed audio-visual projects. The outcome is Ruben is    portion of his day helping others and facilitating their work. He is   as a whole. Shan started teaching at ETI in July 2022 and works
 now the general foreman and he and his team have won every    routinely requested by name to form part of design teams. Scott   tirelessly training apprentices and journeyman to gain lifelong
 year at “Industry Night” in the audio-visual category (NECA Awards).    carries a heavy workload and performs his many duties with grace.   skills. The future at Rosendin is bright with contributors like
 Ruben’s accomplishments are recognized not only by Rosendin    On behalf of the entire department, I would like to thank Scott for   Shan leading the way. Thank you for being part of the Rosendin
 but by the industry. Thank you, Ruben, for your sacrifice and    his continued commitment and service to the team and Rosendin!  team and for being an inspiration to those that know you.
 leadership and being another important piece of the Rosendin puzzle.
        Contributed by Geary Heinrich                          Contributed by Patrick Gorham
 Contributed by Javier Pimentel

 Ryan Balden  Ryan Rivera  Shannon Turner                      Steven Rebolloso
 Area Superintendent   Foreman   General Superintendent        Foreman
 Anaheim, CA  Anaheim, CA  Sterling, VA                        Anaheim, CA

 Ryan joined Rosendin as a foreman, terminating medium   Ryan has been a foreman with our quality department for the    Shannon is a passionate and    Congratulations on 10 years of service with Rosendin! It is with
 voltage 10 years ago. He has grown from GF on our jobs, to site   past 10 years. His dedication to quality sets the standard for our    motivated individual. Shannon    great pleasure that we recognize your achievement. We sincerely
 superintendent, to area superintendent ,and is now our general   expectations. Ryan is respectful, humble, and has an innate ability   has worked on many different    thank you for your many contributions to building upon on
 superintendent, supporting our Rosendin family. Ryan has been   to maintain a positive attitude in challenging situations. He’s a very   projects over the last 10 years.    our mission and for your commitment to our core values.
 involved in the success of many projects throughout Rosendin   motivated individual with a lot of love for his craft and trade. Rest   He began as a journeyman wireman   Contributed by Vojin Markovic
 from construction divisions, Wind, Solar, BESS, and Self Performing   assured, you can trust him to do his job and do it right. He has been   and quickly promoted into our QC
 the 5 trades. Thank you for your hard work and commitment.  a fundamental asset to the renewables division and the QAQC   department. During his time in the QAQC department, he
 Contributed by Mike Gerez  department. Thank you for your continued commitment and    helped the refining and the implementation of the QAQC
 service to the team and Rosendin!  processes. He is now a general superintendent for the
 Contributed by Keith Marcione  Mid-Atlantic region where his drive for quality and safety
        improve standards across the board. Thank you for your
        drive and commitment to our team here at Rosendin.
        Contributed by Bruce Clodfelter II

 Ryan Smith  Samuel White  Steven Watkins                      Steven Wilkowski
 Senior Safety Manager    System Installer   Foreman           Senior Estimator
 Hillsboro, OR  San Jose, CA  Sterling, VA                     Pflugerville, TX
 Ryan is a very motivated individual and has been working on our safety   Sammy signed up with us as a    Steve has been a valued asset to both our quality assurance    Steve has been working as a member of our pre-construction
 team since 2013. Starting as a coordinator moving up to now being    first year apprentice. Because of    team and our overall Rosendin family. His attention to detail,    team since 2013 as a Senior Estimator. During this period,
 the Senior Safety Manager for the Hillsboro office. Ryan has worked    his attitude and strong work ethic,   wealth of knowledge, organization, and team mentality is to    he has supported our transition from Accubid Pro to Enterprise
 on many different projects and has made positive impact on thousands   I quickly figured out that Sam was very   be applauded. Thank you for your continued dedication to    and continues to provide Enterprise/Live Count training to new
 of people’s lives. His knowledge and expertise help keeps Rosendin   resourceful, mechanically inclined, and   your craft and to Rosendin.  estimators as well as members of our operations teams. Steve has
 employees safe at the job site and he is well respected by the different   just not afraid to jump in the trenches   Contributed by Alton Williams  contributed to the success and growth within our region and has
 contractors and owners he works with. Thank you for your continued   and learn something new. He’s always been a tremendous help   been a key member in new market pursuits. Thank you for your
 commitment and service to the team and Rosendin!  for every foreman he’s worked with. This holds true to this day   continued commitment and service to the team and Rosendin!
 Contributed by Josh Johnson  and is one of my “go to’s” to get something done! Thanks bud!  Contributed by Chris Gerber
 Contributed by Ray Cisneros

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