Page 26 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 26

Celebrating 15 Years of Service

                         Cathy Vargas                          Daniel Barrios                                                      Jeff Lee                                              Jesse Machuca
                         Administrative Assistant              Construction Specialist                                             BIM Modeler II                                        General Foreman
                         San Jose, CA                          San Jose, CA                                                        Phoenix, AZ                                           Anaheim, CA                                            15 Years of Service

                         Cathy is the glue that holds our      Wow, I can’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of working with Daniel over   Jeff started his career with Rosendin as a BIM Manager in    Congratulations, Jesse, on 15 Years of service at Rosendin.
                         division together (plus keeps me in line).    the last 15 years. Daniel brings a mix of enthusiasm and ambition to   Las Vegas, then relocated to Phoenix. In 2014 he was asked to   Jesse has been a dedicated employee from the beginning.
                         She supports our entire team, office, and   the table, which, combined with his get-er done attitude, makes him   develop a QAQC program for drawing annotation and has been   Jesse started with Rosendin at NBC Studios in June of 2008.
                         field. Cathy is willing to jump in and help   a fantastic team member and leader. His ability to break down the   heading up that effort since. Jeff leads by his example and work   Jesse has been a key employee as a JW, Foreman, and General
                         everyone. She always brings a positive   info so everyone can easily understand is a blessing and provides us   ethic. He is always doing what he can to move the team forward,   Foreman for many projects. He has always had a positive attitude.
                         attitude and a smile to work with her.    an advantage over the rest of the field. His dedication and personality   even when the work is done. All of us in the department seek his   I would like to commend Jesse on his hard work and enthusiasm.
                         We all appreciate her more than she will    make him a welcome addition to any team. Thank you, Daniel!   advice and respect his opinions. Jeff truly likes to help people,   The Rosendin SoCal family is very proud of him. Once again, I would
                         ever know. Thank you for all that you do.  Contributed by Tod Devlin                                      teaching them how to do something rather than just telling    like to say congratulations to Jesse Machuca on 15 years of Service
                         Contributed by Jenica Bixler                                                                              them what to do. Thank you, Jeff, for your service to Rosendin    and commitment to Rosendin.
                                                                                                                                   and for all those you have helped over the past 15 years!  Contributed by Merle Porter
                                                                                                                                   Contributed by Craig Finn

                        Dave Green                             Eric Muther                                                         Jesse Vargas                                          Joe Silvestri
                        Project Executive                      Area Superintendent                                                 Journeyman Wireman                                    Senior Project Manager
                        San Jose, CA                           San Francisco, CA                                                   Anaheim, CA                                           Concord, CA

                        Dave joined the Renewables team in     Eric has worked at REI for 15 years. He started from an apprentice    Congratulations on 15 years of service with Rosendin! It is with   Joe started with Rosendin in 2008 as an assistant project
                         2021. He is a very motivated, self-driven   and eventually promoted to his current role as an area superintendent.   great pleasure that we recognize your achievement. We sincerely   manager working in San Jose. Joe was part of the effort
                        individual who brings high energy to the    He was a GF on a number of high-rise projects. Eric takes a lot of   thank you for your many contributions to building upon on our   that brought PlanGrid and the use of iPads into Rosendin’s
                        team. His contributions are second to none.   pride and focuses on building quality for REI. He enjoys mountain   mission and for your commitment to our core values.  business suite. Throughout the course of Joe’s career, he has
                        He has strengthened our team expeditiously    biking and going to the range with his wife Danielle. He enjoyed   Contributed by Vojin Markovic                   grown in both knowledge and experience all the while being
                        through implementing proven policies and   spending time with his children, Ryan and Sydney in his spare time.                                                   a great team member. Always willing and wanting to help anyone
      procedures while allowing everyone to work as one. He has improved   Contributed by Rich Calia                                                                                     and everyone, he is a highly valued and respected leader on the
      team morale and is the go-to guy for answers. It is a pleasure working                                                                                                             Division 10 team. In addition to his professional attributes, Joe
      with him and I look forward to the years ahead.                                                                                                                                     is a loving husband, father, and a top shelf human being.
      Contributed by Rick Shaffer                                                                                                                                                        Contributed by Patrick Valine

     Eric Slothower                                            Ines Tovar                                                          John Canales                                          John Mihaley
     Foreman                                                   Laborer                                                             General Superintendent                                Foreman
     Hillsboro, OR                                             San Jose, CA                                                        Anaheim, CA                                           Anaheim, CA
     Eric began his career with REI as an apprentice. He has a great ability to   I have worked with Ines for the better part of the last 10 years. He is   John has been instrumental in the growth of the Div 20    John joined Rosendin in November of 2008. For the past 15
     build special relationships with his crews, co-workers & trade partners.   one of the most hardworking individuals I’ve ever met. Ines is a joy to   team since 2018. He has been promoted several times,    years, he has worked on many different projects with Rosendin.
     He’s trustworthy, dependable, and we wouldn’t be the same without the   be around and is always smiling. His positive attitude day in and day out   eventually to his current position as general superintendent.     He has been involved in the success of many projects throughout
     “sloth” around. Eric also has an affinity for music. He traveled the North   is something most people wish they could emulate. Thank you for all   John’s technical expertise has helped resolve complex issues    the RREG from Solar, Substations and O&M Service Work.
     West, playing the drums in college and even playing on stage with the   your help over the years and I’m looking forward to many more ahead!  and meet aggressive deadlines on multiple projects. He has    His knowledge and expertise helps keep Rosendin employees
     great Dizzy Gillespie. Eric, thank you for your 15 years with Rosendin!  Contributed by George Eustaquio                      also contributed to the growth and development of the next    safe at the job site. Thank you for your continued commitment
     Contributed by David Ruhl                                                                                                     generation of Foreman, General Foreman and Superintendents   and service to the team and Rosendin.
                                                                                                                                   within Div 20. Thank you for your continued commitment and   Contributed by Ryan Balden
                                                                                                                                   service to the team and Rosendin!
                                                                                                                                   Contributed by Ron Hopgood

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