Page 25 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 25

Celebrating 15 Years of Service

 Alan Sheehan  Amy Garcia  Bart Sullivan                                          Ben Javanmard
 Foreman   Senior Marketing Specialist   General Foreman                          Senior Purchasing Agent
 San Jose, CA  San Jose, CA  Anaheim, CA                                          Las Vegas, NV                       15 Years of Service

 When Alan joined Rosendin 2008, he went right to work with his 28   During Amy’s service over the last 15+ years, she has repeated time   Congratulations on reaching this milestone! We applaud    I have had the pleasure of working
 years of electrical experience. Alan is knowledgeable, a good problem   and time again that she never wants to let anyone down or to let them   your dedication and recognize you for the work you do every    with Ben since 2016. His work has
 solver, and one of our go to guys. He is very active with his local as   fail. This makes her an exceptional team member, and our team will   day that impacts the company and those we serve.  always been beyond my expectations,
 President of local 617. Alan and Colleen have been married over 30   admit that we wouldn’t know what to do without her. She never misses   Contributed by Ray Cisneros  and he has contributed significantly to
 years and have two boys Jesse, 33 and Casey, 30. In his spare time, Alan   a deadline or a detail while being positive and witty. She is a problem   our journey of success as an organization.
 likes to go dirt biking, fishing, garden, and spend quality time with his   solver by nature and has never once turned down a challenge. Thank   You can always count on Ben to work
 two dogs Kyle and Lyla. Alan is always willing to lend a hand. Alan told   you, Amy, for your continued commitment and service to the team    through even the most difficult of situations and work his “magic”
 me he always wanted to work for Rosendin, now he has 15 years with us.   and Rosendin. Additionally, thank you for always being a great friend!  to make sure everyone gets the materials and tools that they need.
 Thank you for your dedication and hard work, we appreciate you.  Contributed by JoAnn Cruz  Thank you for being part of the organization. I hope to continue
 Contributed by Dave Kurze                                     to work together for many years.
                                                               Contributed by Chris Meiers

 Amy Moore  Anand Tamboli  Beverly Groom                       Blas Robles
 Assistant Project Manager   Senior Director of Business Applications   Project Manager II   Foreman
 Louisville, CO  San Jose, CA  Tempe, AZ                       Anaheim, CA

 Amy is truly the most amazing employee that anyone could hope    Anand has been an integral part of the    Bev arrived at Division 4 in 2017 from Oregon as an estimator.   Anthony came to work for Rosendin where he was a key
 for. She is honest, fair, dependable, and always willing to help    team and has had his hands so many   She worked diligently on every design package to meet deadlines   member running the crew for a large-scale project. Anthony’s
 everyone. Her job title does not begin to describe all that she    important projects that the IT Department   and assure accuracy of the estimates provided. As the Estimating   value and hard work has contributed to several successful
 does for Rosendin. Amy has taken on training every new person   over the years. He has done a fantastic   load slowed, moved over to the MAZ team and assisted as our   projects throughout Orange County. His attention to detail
 in our division. Her attention to detail has allowed her to help   job of ensuring that our most important   warehouse manager. As buildings went to a full campus release,   and dedication to quality is unmatched. Thank you, Anthony,
 spot check and educate PM’s on processes and procedures.   systems remain operational to ensure the    we needed subcontract management help. We reached out    for your contributions to Rosendin. We look forward to many
 She is willing to jump in and help with problem solving on the   business moves forward seamlessly. He has also built an amazing   to Bev to take on the position. She has stepped up to   more great years in the future.
 financial side of projects as well. Amy has been working out of   team over the years and has been able to attract and retain top tier   the challenge and is now the subcontract manager.   Contributed by John Gerez
 our Colorado office and yet everyone still knows who she is and   talent for our organization. Anand is full of great ideas and is a true   We appreciate all her time and efforts!
 depends on her. We all would be lost without you. Thank you!  pleasure to work with. I am so happy and proud to have him as part   Contributed by Richard Hair III
 Contributed by Jenica Bixler  of the team. Congratulations on 15 years here at Rosendin, Anand!
 Contributed by Matt Lamb

 Angie Morones  Anthony Bartuccio   Bo Rumbolz                                    Brandon Floyd
 Corporate Records Coordinator    Project Manager I   Logistics Manager           Director of Quality
 San Jose, CA  Las Vegas, NV  Hillsboro, OR                                       San Jose, CA
 Angie is one of the hardest workers I know. She is responsible for our   Antoni is a fun and caring person. He always says hi to everyone, every   Bo started his career at Rosendin   We extend our congratulations to
 Corporate Archive and Records department and really goes out of her   morning with a smile on his face. Antoni is new to our team and is always   in February 2008. When asked, he   Brandon for 15 years of dedication
 way to help employees in any way she can. Happy 15-year anniversary   willing to help take on extra tasks and teach the APM’s. In the short time   traveled for us and helped establish   and service. As the Director of our
 Angie, we appreciate all of your hard work!  that I have worked with him, he has helped the young team on site with   Rosendin in Prineville. Soon after,   QAQC department, Brandon consistently
 Contributed by James McGibney  his experience and leadership. He is a true asset to the team. Thank you   he got married and started his   demonstrates tenacity and a commitment
 for all that you do, now and many years to come.  family. Over the next decade, Bo   to excellence. His leadership has been
 Contributed by Bret Bodinet  balanced family life with traveling between Hillsboro and   instrumental in elevating our QA processes. Brandon embodies
        Prineville. He managed site logistics, tools, materials, trucks,   the values of hard work and dedication and we are fortunate to
        and warehouses. Bo Rumbolz is as solid as they come. It has   have on our team. This service award not only recognizes the past
        been our pleasure to work with him for the last 15 years.  15 years, but also the continued success and positive impact he
        Contributed by Blake Barnhart                          will bring to our organization. Cheers to a milestone achieved.
                                                               Contributed by Justin Tinoco

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