Page 23 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 23
Celebrating 10 Years of Service
Sylvester Yazzie Todd Grimoskas Velma Rogers Yevgen Galyuk
Assistant Project Manager General Foreman Accounts Receivable Supervisor Journeyman Wireman
Tempe, AZ Tempe, AZ Anaheim, CA Hillsboro, OR 10 Years of Service
I would like to thank you for 10 years Todd started in the electrical industry in 1998 and joined Rosendin Velma started with Rosendin as a Receivables Specialist and was Gene has worked as a JW and as a tool install foreman. He is an
of service to Rosendin. In the past year in 2013. For the past 10 years, Todd has worked on many projects quickly promoted to Receivables Manager. She has implemented integral part of our tool install team and continues to go the extra
working with you; you have been a vital in Arizona, Texas, North Carolina, and Nevada. Tod has been apart of many process improvements and software tools for the billing and mile when needed. His knowledge base of multiple buildings makes
part in growing the team on our site. many important, large-scale projects. He is currently running prefab collections functions over the years. These include, revamping our him an invaluable asset to our crew and to Rosendin. When Gene
Helping in the transition to a team of operation for a project where he supports over 500 wiremen in the customer invoice format, developing new functionality in Levelset, isn’t helping Rosendin, he’s mushroom foraging, driving fast, or
ten in the project management group. field. Congrats on 10 years! creating a first-time billing checklist, and coordination with legal to boating. Thank you for 10 years!
Your experience and knowledge has not been missed in the Contributed by John Loukusa improve the lien process. She has also built a marvelous team of Contributed by Dave Ruhl
training of four new APMs. Thank you for your hard work and collectors. I am very pleased to have been able to work with
I look forward to working with you for many years to come. Velma, she truly embodies our company’s values.
Contributed by Jon Wilson Contributed by Matthew Van Fossen
Tony Christian Trevor Kucera
Senior Estimator Foreman
San Jose, CA Tempe, AZ
Tony joined Rosendin in December of 2013 as an estimator Congratulations on reaching this milestone! We applaud your
for our highway group. For the past 10 years, Tony has shown his dedication and recognize you for the work you do every day
versatility as he has adapted not only to new estimating processes, that impacts the company and those we serve.
such as enterprise and live count, but also new systems such as Contributed by Murray Long
telecommunications and fiber optics. Tony believes in Rosendin first and
works to ensure that Rosendin is positioned to win and execute a project.
Tony is timely, communicative, and a strong presence on the estimating
team. We appreciate his voice and look forward to his continued success.
Contributed by Randall Sessler
Trey Wilson III Tyler Zion
Warehouse Coordinator IT Support Specialist II
Pflugerville, TX Hanover, MD
Trey is one of the most outgoing people I know. He is always about Congratulations on your 10-year work
helping people and getting whatever they need to help do their job. anniversary! This is Tyler’s fifth stop at
For 10 years, I have been honored to work beside Trey and he has Rosendin with the last two years being in
become as close as family. His energy motivates me to improve our IT. He was a quick study and has excelled
process. Trey continues to serve our field guys to get them what they in many aspects leading to his promotion
need in a timely manner. I honestly could not do my job without him. this cycle. Tyler’s ability to run successful
Looking forward to many more years working together corporate wide projects is a testament to his skill set and knowledge
Contributed by Dillon Doyle gained from the operations side. We appreciate your dedication,
hard work, and we care attitude that you bring to the team.
Contributed by Matt Schmell