Page 28 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 28

Celebrating 15 Years of Service
     Celebrating 15 Y        ears of Ser    vic e

                        Joseph Picone                          Larino Lagunsad                                                     Mario Hidalgo                                         Max Smith
                        General Foreman                        System Senior Technician                                            Foreman                                               Area Superintendent
                        San Jose, CA                           San Jose, CA                                                        Anaheim, CA                                           San Jose, CA                                           15 Years of Service

                        Mr. Picone is absolutely one of the    Congratulations Larino! 15 years of service is a pretty big deal.    Mario has been an integral part of projects over the last 15   Max’s dedication to the projects, technical expertise, and
                        hardest workers I’ve ever seen in the    It’s truly a testament to your loyalty and dedication you have for    years. His strongest asset is that he finds ways to connect to   leadership are truly exceptional. Throughout his tenure,
                        trade! Joey and I have been working    our firm. It also says, your work ethic and leadership has always    all crew members in order to have a more united team. Mario   he has consistently exceeded expectations, going above and
                        together for about 13 of the 15 years    been recognized and you are appreciated by this entire company.    continues to teach the most efficient methods of completing   beyond to ensure the smooth operation of our projects no
                        that he’s worked for Rosendin. When    Larino joined our Rosendin team when we were heavily supporting     each job to apprentices, journeymen, and sometimes new   matter what. In addition to his technical skills, Max is a respected
                        there is a project that needs to get    the Wind division. Larino traveled all over the nation. Because of   foreman. Our hope is that Mario continues to grow and   leader and mentor. He’s always willing to share his knowledge
     completed safely and within budget, I know I can have Joey   his leadership and expertise in fiber, I made him part of every fiber   lead our projects in the right direction. Thank you for your   and experiences, helping others to develop their skills. On Max’s
     supervise that project and it will be a success. Congratulations   job to either run or kick-off. This accelerated the development of his   dedication to Rosendin and here is to many more years.  projects you will notice that he consistently creates a culture of
     on your 15 years, I’m very proud to call you my brother.  foremanship, running all fiber/copper backbone crews on multiple    Contributed by Keith Marcione                         teamwork and collaboration. Thank you, Max, for your dedication
     Contributed by Fernando Sierra                            sites. Thank you for your commitment to the Rosendin team!                                                                and hard work over the last 15 years.
                                                               Contributed by Ray Cisneros                                                                                               Contributed by Eric Latona

     Larry Gruver                                              Laya Silvestri                                                      Michael Wheeler                                       Michelle Francis
     Senior Project Manager                                    Project Manager I                                                   Foreman                                               Assistant Project Manager
     Tempe, AZ                                                 Concord, CA                                                         San Jose, CA                                          San Francisco, CA

     As one of the original team members on our traveling data center    Laya began her career with Rosendin in 2008 as Assistant Project   Mike has been an electrician for over 30 years. His contributions    Michelle is a valued, hardworking team member who has
     team, Larry has worked in nearly every Rosendin office that supports    Manager with the old Highway Division. Early on, Laya jumped in with   to the trade and to Rosendin are vast. He is exceptional on   been with Rosendin since 2008. Through her hard work and
     our Mission Critical customers. Larry was a critical member of the   both feet assisting with estimating, project management, and contract   the controls side and with fire alarm systems. He has come   dedication, she was promoted from admin assistant to project
     Rosendin team helping us establish a presence in markets such as    administration. Later in her career Laya was one of the first Rosendin   in clutch many times for this company, always being the one   assistant, and then to assistant project manager. Michelle is
     Reno, North Carolina and Fort Worth long before we had offices in    employees to join the BART-VTA Project Team. Laya started and closed   who always has a solution. Mike has offered his support and   currently working in Div. 3 on the UCSF NHPH hospital project.
     these locations. Anyone that knows Larry knows he doesn’t travel    out this project and ended up being on this project for 8 years! Laya is    leadership on many large projects here at Rosendin. Thank   She is an integral part of our team who helps manage billing
     alone, and usually has his German Shepard tagging along…even on    a joy to work with and is always eager to share her experience and   you, Mike, for always practicing great people skills, possessing   processes, make-ready projects, document control, submittals,
     site. Congratulations Larry on 15 years and best of luck to your future    lessons learned with all of her Division 10 teammates. She is a valued   the fortitude it takes to have in this trade, having a great   and RFIs. Michelle is always willing to help the team and her
     as you plan for your upcoming retirement!                 and respected colleague, a devoted wife and mother, and a friend to    attitude, staying ambitious, and always showing up for work.    impact is felt on various aspects of our project.
     Contributed by Brandon Stephens                           all of her coworkers.                                               We very much looking forward to a few more good years.  Contributed by Joseph Leoncavallo
                                                               Contributed by Patrick Valine                                       Contributed by Greg Montalvo

     Leticia Tornquist                                                            Lloren Corpuz                                                      Mike Holmes                         Mitchell Cardenas
     Cost Accountant                                                              BIM Modeler II                                                     Vice President of Preconstruction    General Foreman
     Pflugerville, TX                                                             San Francisco, CA                                                  San Jose, CA                        Anaheim, CA
     Ticia was hired in 2008 as a cost accountant and joined Rosendin             Lloren has been with Rosendin since                                Mike is willing to step in for the success   Rosendin strives to build success through our vision to Lead,
      in 2010 as part of an acquisition, working in the central Texas office      2008. He’s worked on various projects                              of the team, whether it is reaching out   Inspire and Build. These principles are carried out by hard
      (Manor and Pflugerville). Ticia has worked closely with the operations      throughout the Bay Area with his                                   to a contractor on a project we are   working individuals, such as yourself, who are dedicated to
      teams in Texas and Tennessee. In addition to her day to day duties,         most notable experience in healthcare.                             pursuing or rolling up his sleeves to   our values and culture. Thank you for your ongoing commitment,
      she has played a key role in training and being a resource for cost         He has provided valuable healthcare                                help a team prepare for an interview.   and congratulations on your milestone anniversary!
      accountants in Arizona and on the East Coast. In January, Ticia will be     experience to a current hospital project                           He is always willing to help with a smile.   Contributed by Vojin Markovic
      moving on to the next chapter in her life as she is retiring in December.   located in San Francisco. Lloren’s dedication to his work and   Mike has developed relationships with both our customers and
      She plans to spend time with family, including her 4 grandchildren    positive attitude make him a pleasure to work with at Rosendin.  his teammates. Everyone loves working with him. Mike and his
      and traveling with her husband. Thank you for your commitment    Contributed by Stephanie Montelongo                         wife Paula love spending time with family and friends, traveling,
      and service to the Rosendin team.                                                                                            watching the SF Giants and Warriors, and spending time at their
      Contributed by Ron Churchman                                                                                                 home in Arizona. Thank you, Mike, for your leadership.
                                                                                                                                   Contributed by Angie Hart

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