Page 33 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 33

Celebrating 15 Years of Service

 Ryan Gill  Satheesh Balakrishnan  Tony DeVito
 Division Manager    Director of Enterprise Technology    Project Manager II
 San Jose, CA  San Jose, CA  Tempe, AZ                                                                                15 Years of Service

 Ryan started with Rosendin in 2008 and    Satheesh has achieved remarkable    Tony joined the Rosendin back in 2008.
 spent the last 15 years on some of the    milestones during his 15-year tenure    With a career as an electrician and
 largest and most complex projects our   at Rosendin. His unwavering dedication   business owner, Tony’s role has changed
 company has executed. He is never afraid    and technical expertise have contributed   through the years, and most recently as a
 of a challenge and is willing to travel on a   significantly to the company’s success.   project manager. His time as an estimator
 whim. Ryan enjoys mentoring and developing   Satheesh’s exceptional technical management   and project manager has all been spent
 new talent and thrives on improving customer relations. He is an   skills have led to the successful completion of complex projects,   as an extremely valued employee. He has taken his experience and
 advocate for field and office coordination and works tirelessly to deliver   earning him recognition within the organization. His meticulous   talents and applied them to the role of mentor. We appreciate his
 one team approach. We are grateful for Ryan’s service and continued   attention to detail and ability to overcome challenges have made    leadership, ability to build and maintain relationships, his sense of
 commitment to the Rosendin family. We sincerely thank you, Ryan!  him a valuable asset to our team. Satheesh’s leadership qualities    humor, and work ethic. Outside of work, Tony is a devoted family
 Contributed by Angela Rundle  and commitment to excellence have set a high standard for his    man to his wife Teresa, and son Thomas. We look forward to seeing
 peers, making him an invaluable member of our organization.  him hit the next milestone!
 Contributed by Anand Tamboli  Contributed by Candace McConnell

 Steve Freitas  Steve Rodermund
 Senior Project Manager   Business Development Manager
 Sacramento, CA  Anaheim, CA

 Steve joined the Rosendin team in    Steve joined the SoCal team in Oct 2008
 January of 2008 as a project manager    at the Santa Fe Springs office. SoCal is now
 in the Sacramento, CA office. Later, he   well over 250 employees and Steve has
 promoted to Sr. Project Manager in 2014.   been a big part of this amazing growth.
  For the past 15 years, he has worked on   From assistant project manager to business
 many different projects with Rosendin    development major, Steve has established
 around Sacramento and San Jose. Thank you   himself as a reliable and important part of the team. He is well
 for your service and being a part of Rosendin.   known and respected throughout SoCal by customers and team
 Contributed by Tammi Rapozo  members alike. Steve’s dedication and hard work over the past 15
 years has been appreciated by all. Thank you and congratulations!
 Contributed by Brian Busch

 Tammi Rapozo  Terry Delargy
 Division Manager   Director of Cybersecurity
 Sacramento, CA  Pflugerville, TX
 Tammi joined Rosendin in 2008 as a   Terry has literally helped to build our entire
 Sr. PM, then to Project Executive, then   IT infrastructure from scratch. From the
 became the Division Manager of the   network team, infrastructure team, and
 Sacramento division in 2019. Due to her   our cybersecurity team, Terry has been
 well-respected reputation in the Sacramento   a key player and true leader within all
 area, she has built the division into the   aspects of IT. Happy 15-year anniversary
 largest electrical contractor in the Sacramento region. Thank you   Terry and thanks for helping to keep
 for your leadership and best wishes for the many years to come!  our Rosendin family safe and secure.
 Contributed by Aaron Olson  Contributed by Terry Delargy

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