Page 37 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 37

Celebrating 25 Years of Service

 Benito Gonzalez   Daren Mays  Guadalupe Murillo                                  Jenica Bixler
 Operator   Vice President of Finance   Laborer                                   Division Manager
 San Jose, CA  Charlotte, NC  San Jose, CA                                        San Jose, CA                        25 Years of Service

 Benito is a must have on your projects. His ambition and his wisdom   Daren joined Rosendin as our    Getting to know Lupe over his 25 years of service has been   Working with Jenica and seeing her
 (experience) that he brings to the table is a fantastic confidence builder   controller, later becoming vice president    awesome. His hard work ethic and drive to complete all tasks   excel as a division manager has been
 when taking on a large-scale projects. He brings a solid hard work   of finance. Over his years he has been a    assigned are among the highest that I’ve had the pleasure of   rewarding. Her ability to take over the
 ethic to all Rosendin projects. Benito has been working with us for   major contributor to the company as we    working with. His “get after-it” attitude is very infectious, as well   division with little transition time just
 over 25 years. His hard-working personality has proven to be a winning   grew from $200MM in revenue to a nearly    as his personality. Lupe is the one that brings everyone up around   exemplifies her ability to lead and mentor
 combination. His dedication and personality have made him a welcome   $3 billion company. Early on, he became    him, he is such a great team member. Lupe takes on all tasks asked   her team. Her great leadership qualities
 addition to any team. I have had the pleasure of working with him for   active in our ESOP, becoming a trustee of the plan in 2009, later   of him with no drama and with professional execution. He is an   have allowed her to develop relationships both internally and
 years, it has been fantastic. Thank you, Benito!!  becoming the chairman of the Trustees. His contributions to the   absolute must on any of my Rosendin projects. GREAT JOB!  externally. She is doing an awesome job growing her division.
 Contributed by Tod Devlin  company are more than I can remember, and he has always had   Contributed by Tod Devlin  When she is not working, she enjoys traveling and camping with
 the best interest of Rosendin in mind when making decisions   her family. Congratulations on a job well done!
 that impacting thousands of our employees. Thank you for      Contributed by Angie Hart
 being a big part of our success and enjoy your retirement.
 Contributed by Lorne Rundquist

 David Murguido  Edmond Brennan  Jim Millett                                      Mike Simmons
 Foreman   Foreman   Vice President                                               General Foreman
 San Fancisco, CA  San Francisco, CA  San Francisco, CA                           San Jose, CA
 Dave Murguido joined Rosendin 25 years ago. During his tenure,    Ed Brennan joined the Rosendin family in 1998. Eddie currently    It has been fantastic getting to know Jim better over the last   Mike joined Rosendin 25 years ago and
 he has successfully helped projects from pre-con to completion.    works as a foreman in the SF service department. His electrical   several years. His leadership and care for our employees does   has shown there are no challenges that
 Dave has assisted on all sorts of projects including hospitals, labs, arenas,   knowledge and ability to evaluate jobs have provided the service   not go unnoticed. He has taken on a lot over the past year. Jim’s   he cannot conquer. He has knowledge
 and airports. In his free time, David enjoys golf, visiting    department continued success. Ed is a pleasure to work alongside.   mentorship will help grow the team and makes us better. He has   and expertise like no other. Mike has
 wineries, and spending time with his family. Congratulations on    Congratulations on 25 years of service  used his experiences and relationships with our customers to help   made safety a priority for all who have
 25 years and to the years to come.   Contributed by Eric Muther  Rosendin grow and succeed. When Jim is not working, he loves to   worked for him and has contributed
 Contributed by Eric Muther & Ken Hawthorne  golf, spend time with his wife Barbara and daughters, Monica and   to changing the safety culture within Rosendin. Thank you for
        Andrea. Thank you for your continued leadership!       your continued commitment and service to the Rosendin team.
        Contributed by Angie Hart                              Contributed by Leo Morrison

 Eric Espinosa  Ginger Anderson  Patrick Valine                Raul Rivera
 Regional Purchasing Manager   Billing Specialist   Division Manager   Laborer
 San Jose, CA  San Jose, CA  Concord, CA                       San Jose, CA
 Eric has been a hardworking and loyal employee; we have    Ginger has accomplished much in her 25 years with Rosendin!    Patrick joined Rosendin in 1998 as   WOW! What can I say? 25 years of service to Rosendin. Raul is one
 worked together for his entire career at Rosendin. His leadership    She started as a Billing Specialist (in the trailer at Mabury), has    a Purchasing Agent in the San Jose   of the most trusted, dedicated, and loyal members of the Rosendin
 as the regional purchasing manager has brought the folks together    been an Assistant PM for Division 6, and was promoted to Billing   office. He has worked his way up from   family. He is much more than a lead laborer, Raul is tasked with
 as a high functioning team. His relationship with our vendors has    Supervisor. In all her roles, Ginger takes pride in the quality of    purchasing agent to project manager   some of our most challenging obstacles on our most complicated
 served us all well during the uncertain times. I look forward to    her work and applies her expertise to difficult tasks with gusto.    to a senior PM. Patrick is currently   projects and never fails to impress. When not at work, Raul and his
 continuing to work with Eric as partners for years to come. Take a   The whole Billing Team appreciates Ginger for sharing her    the Division Manager for Division   wife, Lorena, with their children enjoy barbecuing with family and
 vacation! Thank you, Eric, for your commitment!  knowledge and dedication to a job well done. Congratulations!  10 - East Bay. He is one of the best managers of people I have   friends. Thank you, Raul, for almost 3 decades of commitment!
 Contributed by Angie Hart  Contributed by Denyse Johnson  ever had the pleasure of working with. Patrick’s commitment   Contributed by John Thiessen
        shines through in the loyalty of his employees and the business
        relationships that he has worked so hard to forge. Thank you for
        your continued leadership and service to the team and Rosendin!
        Contributed by Aaron Olson

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