Page 35 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 35

Celebrating 20 Years of Service

 Fernando Sierra Jr  James Laidlaw  Scott Roberts              Victor Cruz
 Area Superintendent    General Foreman   General Foreman      Purchasing Agent
 San Jose, CA  San Jose, CA  San Jose, CA                      San Jose, CA                                           20 Years of Service

 Fern Joined Rosendin in 2003 and has   James (Jim), and Marci have been married for 25 years and have   Since joining the Rosendin family in November of 2003,    I have had the pleasure of working with Victor for most
 worn many different hats since then.   two college age boys. His current project started in 2018 and   Scott quickly moved up the ranks thanks to his knowledge and    of his career here at Rosendin. He has always been more
 He currently runs a site in Santa Clara   was scheduled to be 18 months. Because of major, reoccurring   dedication. Starting out his career at REI as an apprentice, to   than willing to go above and beyond to help others out.
 where he has formed relationships   change orders, we are still on site. Jim has been able to assist in   running mega projects as a site superintendent in Sacramento.    Recently, he was promoted to a purchasing agent and has
 with customers and clients that have   the engineering, estimating, and designing process of this project   Scott is most proud of his family. His wife, Rachael, and sons Alex,   jumped right in. His previous experience from the field
 improved our reputation for Silicon Valleys   and has been a great help. He is also a great teacher and has taken   Daniel, and Marcos. During his free time, Scott enjoys traveling with   operations side has made for a smooth transition into his
 sustained account. Fern genuinely cares about his teammates and   several apprentices and turned them into foreman. Jim likes to   family and friends, time on the water in their ski boat, golfing, and   new position. He is motivated to take on more and to continue
 the customers. Fern and his team are able to flawlessly complete   tinker with cars and BBQ with his friends in his spare time. Jim,   trap shooting. Thank you, Scott, for 2 decades of service to REI.    learning. I cannot wait to see what you take on next. Thank you
 difficult assignments and move right on to the next. He leaves   we would like to thank you for your 20 years of service and are   Your commitment to excelling has really vaulted Rosendin    for your continued dedication to the team and Rosendin!
 customers with the feeling that they are always getting the highest   looking forward to more successful projects in the years to come.  forward as an industry leader in the Sacramento area.  Contributed by Jenica Bixler
 quality of customer service. We are all really proud to of you and   Contributed by Dave Kurze  Contributed by John Thiessen
 we want to congratulate you on your 20 year service milestone.
 Contributed by Eric Latona

 Jason Dalke  John Loukusa  Wayne Thach
 General Foreman   General Superintendent    Journeyman Wireman
 San Jose, CA  Tempe, AZ  San Jose, CA

 Working with Jason over the last 20 years has been a pleasure.   John began his career with Rosendin as   Wayne is upbeat, positive, and always has a crazy story for you.
 Jason is the consummate professional. His quiet personality   an apprentice and has been involved with   He is fun to be around. Wayne is one of our steady journeyman
 brings a calming effect to our clients, while his strong leadership   large-scale, West Coast projects and clients   electricians who gets the job done with a smile. On the weekends
 skills bring purpose and loyalty to our crews. His commitment to   since then. John was an instrumental part of   Wayne likes to maintain some of his rental properties and rebuild
 teamwork is contagious and helps develop and shape his project   Rosendin establishing a presence in Reno due   cars of all types. He has rebuilt a diesel Mercedes Benz 250, a VW
 and team members. I have tasked him with working on some very   to the connections he maintained with clients   bus, and many more. Wayne, thank you for your service. We look
 difficult assignments, and he has always surpassed my expectations.   and his membership to the Local Union. He is a humble leader that has a   forward to a few more years together.
 We are lucky to work with him. Also, thank you to Jason’s wife,   strong following of field and office teams in multiple states. In his home   Contributed by Dave Kurze
 Barbara, and his three children, Alyssa, Isabelle, and Aiden.   life, John spends time with his wife and 9 children. They enjoy camping,
 Contributed by Tod Devlin  snowboarding, and various outdoor activities together. Congratulations,
 John on your 20 years with us and I look forward to our partnership over
 the next 20!
 Contributed by Brandon Stephens

 Matthew Van Fossen  Michael Demeny
 Vice President of Finance   System Senior Technician
 San Jose, CA  San Jose, CA
 Matt joined Rosendin in 2003 after spending   Congratulations Mr Mike, for this amazing 20 year milestone! Mike is an
 his early career at a large civil contractor   awesome individual who cares about this company. He’s passionate and
 and then a mechanical contractor. His initial   wants to see his team win every day. Mike is influential when running
 job was cost accounting manager, becoming   the job or simply part of the crew. One of my favorite things about Mike
 assistant controller, corporate operations   is his passion for teamwork and family. The best example I can give about
 controller, and finally VP of finance. Over the   his passion of his work team and his home family is, he never misses any
 years, he has been instrumental in maintaining and improving our cost   Rosendin functions, even after work. He would put in his 8 hours, go pick
 controls. He has also been instrumental in developing a cost accounting   up his daughters, and bring them along. Thank you Mike, for all of the
 team that has been a big part in giving us the financial visibility on our   years of high level work and leadership.
 projects and building the trust and credibility with our business partners.  Contributed by Ray Cisneros
 Contributed by Lorne Rundquist

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