Page 30 - 2023_Service Awards
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Celebrating 15 Years of Service

     Patty Torres                                              Paul Gabaldon                                                       Raymond Kendall                                       Reynaldo Martinez
     Field Payroll Specialist                                  General Foreman                                                     General Foreman                                       Purchasing Agent
     San Jose, CA                                              Anaheim, CA                                                         San Jose, CA                                          Anaheim, CA                                            15 Years of Service

     Over the 15 years that Patty has been with the company, she has   Paul started with Rosendin on Aug. 8th, 2008 and is currently    Ray is a true professional. There is no project too big nor too    It’s with great pleasure that we mark Red’s 15 year anniversary.
     contributed to the development of the field payroll department.   working as a Site Super at Disney Pascal. Paul has worked on    fast for him. His ability to handle multiple projects with extensive   As our dedicated and efficient purchasing agent, Red has been
     Congratulations on your incredible success! I want to express my   many diverse projects. Paul is retiring and starting his next chapter   manpower is such a fantastic skill. I have the utmost respect for   a cornerstone of our organization. Red consistently demonstrates
     personal appreciation for your achievement of this milestone.   in life, Paul will truly be missed. Paul, thank you for your hard   Ray and I’m thankful that he is part of the team. Ray has been on   a strong work ethic and deep commitment to our procurement
     Loyal and dedicated employees like you are the foundation to any   work, commitment to the team and to Rosendin. Congratulations   many projects over his 15 years with Rosendin, and every one of   processes. His attention to detail and reliability have been
     successful company. Thank you for your contribution to our success!  on reaching your 15-year milestone with Rosendin.        them has been rewarding and memorable. When Ray isn’t working   instrumental to operations running smoothly. Red is a team
     Contributed by Malinda Lopez                              Contributed by Lee Gutierrez                                        on a project, he loves spending time with his wife and two sons,   player and a colleague who leads by example. We look forward
                                                                                                                                   or doing outdoor activities. Thank you for all the hard work, Ray!  to many more years of successful collaboration.
                                                                                                                                   Contributed by Tod Devlin                             Contributed by Steve Robinson

     Paul Pistone                                              Pedro Lara Hernandez                                                Robert Rodriguez Jr                                   Roberto Alvarado
     Foreman                                                   Laborer                                                             General Foreman                                       Senior Estimator
     Anaheim, CA                                               San Jose, CA                                                        San Jose, CA                                          Sacramento, CA

     Paul started with Rosendin in June of 2008. He has a wide arrange of   Pedro Lara Hernandez joined Rosendin in September 2008 as a laborer.   Robert is one of those people that always finds a way to    Roberto joined Rosendin in 2008 as an Estimator after spending
     experience from high rises, schools, TI, hospitals, and solar. Paul adapts   For the past 15 years he has worked on many projects and has made a   complete a task. The words “I can’t” aren’t in his vocabulary.    time in the Field. He is a team player who will get the job done.
     to things well and now has been helping on the detailing of projects.   very positive impact on each one, Thank you for being part of Rosendin   His ability to break everything down to a level that everyone    Besides leading large-scale projects, Roberto has a knack for new
     His knowledge of the trade has helped plan and package projects. With   and best wishes for many years to come.               can understand is truly a gift. He has a great work ethic and is    technology and implementation. He is vital to our group’s success.
     his past racing experience he takes twith him to the field, he takes on   Contributed by Marco Fernandez                      the perfect guy to lead a project. I have the utmost respect for   Currently, Roberto serves as a lead estimator for a major hospital
     challenges and wants to be in front. He has great drive and works well                                                        Robert as an electrician and as a person. He’s worked on many   for a very important client. Our team appreciates his hard work
     with others. Paul is a great person to work with. Thank you for your                                                          projects with Rosendin over his 15-year tenure with Rosendin.   and dedication. Thank you for your continued contributions and
     continued commitment and service to the team and Rosendin!                                                                    Working with him over the last 15 years has been a pleasure.    commitment to Rosendin!
     Contributed by Mike Galasso                                                                                                   We are looking forward to more years to come.         Contributed by Vu Le
                                                                                                                                   Contributed by Tod Devlin

                        Pete Steele                                               Ray Cisneros                                     Robin De Leon                                         Ron Churchman
                        Director of Technology Training                           Superintendent                                   General Foreman                                       Assistant Corporate Operational Controller
                        Estero, FL                                                San Jose, CA                                     Anaheim, CA                                           Pflugerville, TX
                        Pete joined Rosendin in 2008 as the                       Ray has made a niche for himself,                Loyal and dedicated team members like you are the foundation    Ron has been with Rosendin since we acquired a company in Texas.
                        first hire for the newly formed BIM                       specializing in low voltage systems.             of our success. Thank you for your accomplishments and   He was the controller of that company and over time, he gradually
                        Department under Fred Meeske, tasked                      His technical expertise, along with              commitment to excellence. Congratulations on your anniversary!  took on more responsibility. He was made regional Controller and
                        with helping the department through                       his unwavering commitment to                     Contributed by Vojin Markovic                         worked with the Mid Atlantic, Arizona, and Texas regions. Recently
                        exponential growth over the next decade.                  excellence, has been invaluable for                                                                    he was made assistant corporate controller where Mountain West
                        After 15 years, Pete is now settled into his              the low voltage divisions growth in                                                                    was added. He is an absolute pleasure to work with and enjoys the
      role as training director; driving the standard for how BIM employees   the Bay Area and beyond. Through his tenure, Ray has consistently                                          respect of operations personnel, finance colleagues, and anyone
      are trained and how we assess their knowledge of our software and   exceeded expectations, going above and beyond to ensure the                                                    else who has spent time with him.
      processes. Rosendin BIM wouldn’t be at the level it is today without   smooth operation or our low voltage systems. His expertise in                                               Contributed by Josh Craig
      Pete’s commitment to our company. Thank you for 15 great years!  systems has been instrumental in preventing costly downtime
      Contributed by Jeff Fanter                               and ensuring the safety of our employees and facilities.
                                                               Thank you, Ray, for your 15+ years of service and
                                                               unwavering commitment to excellence.
                                                               Contributed by Eric Latona

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