Page 17 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 17

Celebrating 10 Years of Service

 Mark Morgan  Mark Stone  Mike Covey                           Mike Manis
 Instructional Designer   Division Manager   Project Manager I   Senior Purchasing Agent
 Estero, FL  San Francisco, CA  Anaheim, CA                    Gallatin, TN                                           10 Years of Service

 Starting as a contract employee assisting with various video projects,   Mark Stone joined Rosendin in June of 2013.   Mike started working for Rosendin in 2013 as a summer helper.   Mike has worked on a variety of large-scale projects with
 Mark showed his value to the company. His strong work ethic, creativity,   We are very grateful he made the decision   His strong work ethic and ability to take on whatever job was   Rosendin and has relocated on multiple occasions in support
 and commitment to excellence quickly earned him a full-time position as   to join our team after his graduation! Mark   handed to him afforded him an opportunity as an APM. In that   of those projects. Mike’s commitment to the team and to
 an instructional designer. He demonstrates an ability to collaborate with   quickly gained the respect of his peers by   role, he assisted with projects at LAX, such as parking structures,   relationships with our vendor partners in support of projects
 those both within and outside of his team. Mark’s attitude is a testament   his strong work ethic and dedication. Mark   and a multitude of other small projects. Mike spent most of his   has been instrumental to our success. His knowledge and
 to his commitment to living out our core values. He is a true asset to the   has always engaged himself in the technical   time working at LAX until he was promoted to a project manager   expertise help Rosendin maximize efficiency. He continues
 learning and development department and to Rosendin!  aspects of our industry. He had much success as a project manager, and   where he was assigned two train stations. He has an eye for detail   to work alongside management and make the best decisions
 Contributed by Phillip Browning  his ability to lead and develop others led him to his current position as a   and is dedicated to each project. Thank you for your commitment,   for the team. Thank you for being a part of Rosendin. Best
 division manager. Mark has had much success in his personal life as well.   congratulations on 10 years of service.   wishes, we are looking forward to many years to come.
 He and his wife Olivia, recently bought a home, welcomed their new   Contributed by Jason Griffin  Contributed by Cannon McAdoo
 baby Haylen, and they enjoy all of these exciting times with their other
 family member - their dog, Zyron.
 Contributed by Jim Millett

 Matthew Crouch  Matthew Stoffa  Myles Eden                    Nate Johnson
 Project Manager I   Foreman   Project Scheduler               Senior Project Manager
 Anaheim, CA  Sterling, VA  Anaheim, CA                        Anaheim, CA

 Loyal and dedicated team members like you are the foundation    Matt joined Rosendin in February of    Myles started with Rosendin as an Estimator in 2013, where his   Nate is a passionate, driven, and dedicated team member at
 of our success. Thank you for your accomplishments and    2013 in the Residential Training Program    attention to detail and dedication set the foundation for his future   Rosendin. He takes the work we do here very seriously and at the
 commitment to excellence. Congratulations on your anniversary!  in local 26. He was quickly accepted to the   success. He quickly transitioned into our Service Department as an   same time, does it with a kind and gentle hearted spirit. Nate lives
 Contributed by Herb Stratmeyer  Upgrade program where he graduated as    Assistant Project Manager and then in 2019, he took the position   by the true nature of keeping an open-door policy and is willing to
 class valedictorian in June of 2018. Matt   of Project Scheduler. Myles continues to excel, ensuring that our   help anyone that is in need. I’ve personally grown to appreciate and
 has been a lead foreman on many complex   projects are meticulously planned. His dedication to his team and   respect Nate for his work ethic and contribution here at Rosendin.
 projects. Last year as General Foreman, he completed QTS Lockridge   their needs for managing schedules and ensuring projects run   Contributed by Matt Stoutenburg
 where the project team won a craftsmanship award for their dedication   smoothly is integral to our success. His journey here at Rosendin
 to delivering a Quality project for the GC and Owner. Matt’s dedication   is a testament to his ability and adaptability.
 and focus to safety and quality has helped him excel as a Foreman at   Contributed by John Messick
 Rosendin. Thank you for being a part of Rosendin. Best wishes, we’re
 looking forward to many years to come.
 Contributed by Daniel Burch

 Michael Donnelly  Michael Zapolski  Neil Finlay               Oscar Vera
 Assistant Project Manager   General Foreman   Preconstruction Manager   Foreman
 San Jose, CA  Tempe, AZ  Pflugerville, TX                     Anaheim, CA
 Mikey joined our division recently and has   Mike joined Rosendin in January 2013 and now is a general foreman in   Neil graduated from Texas A&M University and joined the    Congratulations on reaching this milestone! We applaud your
 brought nothing but pure positive energy   our special projects division. His knowledge and leadership have led to   Rosendin team soon after. He started out as an Estimator.    dedication and recognize you for the work you do every day
 to us all. He is so motivated to learn and   many successful projects along the way. Mike is a dedicated employee   Neil is currently a program level preconstruction manager.    that impacts the company and those we serve.
 understand everything that we do. His work   with a bright future at Rosendin.  He is a key member of the Temple Data Center team and    Contributed by Vojin Markovic
 ethic is inspiring. I am fortunate to have been   Contributed by Jay Randall  helped lead the preconstruction effort that helped Rosendin
 able to work with his father and even more   land a project that will employee 300 plus employees over the
 fortunate to work with him. I cannot wait to see what he takes on and   next 30 months. Neil is married and is extremely supportive of
 how much he grows. Here is to another 10 years of hard work and good   his daughter’s cheerleading and son’s soccer teams.
 times with you. Thank you for joining our team!  Contributed by Paul Gottfried
 Contributed by Jenica Bixler

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