Page 4 - 2023_Service Awards
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     Celebrating 10 Y
     Celebrating 10 Years of Service

                        Ahmad Shreim                           Al Friedle                                                                             Antwaun Smith                      Armando Marin
                        Project Executive                      Quality Assurance Commissioning Site Manager                                           Manufacturing Manager              Foreman
                        Sterling, VA                           Tempe, AZ                                                                              Sherman, TX                        Anaheim, CA                                            10 Years of Service

                        Over the last 10 years, Ahmad has      Al’s positive attitude has been an inspiration to all of us here at                    Antwaun has been a great contributor    Rosendin strives to build success through our vision to Lead,
                        been an exemplary team member.         Rosendin. He was handpicked over a decade ago to join a QA team for                    the to Quality programs at REI/MPS.    Inspire and Build. These principles are carried out by hard working
                        His dedication to his team members and   one of our most important technology clients, and he has continued                   He started out as a journeyman wireman   individuals, such as yourself, who are dedicated to our values
                        clients has been proven time and time    to be an invaluable part of our Quality Department ever since. Al has                and quickly moved into QAQC and    and culture. Thank you for your ongoing commitment, and
                        again. Ahmad has maintained several key   helped build a great work atmosphere by taking on various assignments               CX for the Rosendin field operations.    congratulations on your milestone anniversary!
                        clients throughout his time. Training and    that have taken him all over the US. We are grateful for his unwavering          He contributed to the success on    Contributed by Mike Glasso
      developing members and contributed to the overall success of the   support and contributions to our mission of Building Quality, Building   many large data center projects up and down the West and
      region. I would like to thank Ahmad for his hard work and dedication    Value, Building People. Al, you truly embody the spirit of our company,   Pacific Northwest regions and now calls MPS home. At MPS,
      and looking forward to many more years of continued success.  and we thank you for being an integral part of our team.       he is responsible for the quality services program that sets the
      Contributed by David Derosier                            Contributed by Phil Cullum                                          standard in the off site industry. His leadership and knowledge
                                                                                                                                   helps keep our organization above all others and paves the way
                                                                                                                                   for continued growth.
                                                                                                                                   Contributed by Simon Harkins

     Alen Dolatabadi                                           Alexander Ceron                                                     Aurelio Galindo                                       Bill Nelson
     General Foreman                                           Foreman                                                             System Installer                                      Foreman
     Anaheim, CA                                               Anaheim, CA                                                         Anaheim, CA                                           San Jose, CA

     Alen started with Rosendin as a very motivated fifth-year apprentice in   Alexander joined our company in May of 2013. Since then, he has    Aurelio joined Rosendin in 2013 as a construction wireman.    Bill brings a lot of positive traits to the table. Working with him
     2013. Through his determination to be a great wireman, he has taken on   set an example of hard work, dedication, and excellence. Alexander   It didn’t take much to see his talent as he has a technical side   for the last 10 years has been a positive and promising experience.
     more and more responsibility throughout his career. Alen has stepped   has been with Rosendin from the beginning of his apprenticeship to his   to him. At that time in history Rosendin started an audio-visual   Billy’s unwavering ability to not give into pressure, has earned
     up repeatedly to finish difficult projects or to run point on some of the   current role as foreman. He is a great person who faces challenges with   group. Aurelio was given an opportunity to participate in our early   him the respect of his crew and fellow team members. He has a
     most technically demanding and safety related scopes. His extensive   courage and enthusiasm. He has contributed to projects that bring great   successful AV projects. Now as a lead technician Aurelio now    tremendous ability to multi-task and get the projects completed.
     knowledge of airport policies and procedures, control systems, LOTO   satisfaction and success to our company. We are grateful for your service   trains the next generation. Thank you Aurelio for your contribution,   Bill is one of the hardest working individuals that I have had the
     procedures, and many other facets of our industry make Alen an asset    and we congratulate you on your anniversary!          commitment and being part of the Rosendin Audio Visual Team.  pleasure of working with. I’ve known Bill for a long time and have
     to our team. Thank you for your continued commitment to Rosendin    Contributed by Mike Galasso                               Contributed by Javier Pimentel                        the up most respect for him and his accomplishments. I would
      and to keeping everyone on our crews safe now and for years to come.                                                                                                               like to say thank you, Bill, for all your years of service and loyalty.
      Contributed by Patrick Gorham                                                                                                                                                      Contributed by Tod Devlin

     Alexander Sanchez                                         Alisson Johnson                                                     Bradley Anderson                                                         Bradley Pribble
     General Foreman                                           Field Payroll Accountant                                            Foreman                                                                  Foreman
     Anaheim, CA                                               Anaheim, CA                                                         San Jose, CA                                                             Sterling, VA
     Congratulations, Alex, on 10 years of service with Rosendin.    Alisson has been working on our team as a Field Payroll Accountant   Bradley joined Rosendin in 2013 as a 5th year apprentice. Over the   Brad joined Rosendin in April of 2013
     I would like to express my sincere appreciation for Alex’s hard work and   since May 2013. She handled the fringe reporting process in our Orchard   past 10 years, Bradley has worked in multiple divisions supporting   as a service technician and general
     dedication. His contributions have been invaluable to our Team. I would   office in the first two years and had the opportunity to lead the Certified   our growth and ventures in various Bay Area markets. He is a team   foreman. In the past 10 years, he played
     like recognize Alex for the hard work he has done on each project he   Payroll team once she moved to Southern California. She has done an   player and has been a valued part of our success. From day one,   project lead on various electrical jobs
     has contributed to. His leadership has been instrumental in achieving   excellent job in training all the team members over the years and helped   Bradley has been reliable, dedicated, and responsive. His skill   around the DMV region. He primarily
     our goals and our customer’s expectations. His contributions have not   make our Certified Payroll team what it is today. I appreciate her focus   set and steadfast dependability is crucial when projects call for   engaged in electrical maintenance, critical
     gone unnoticed, and I would like to personally acknowledge his efforts.   and grit in going above and beyond, managing the complex projects and   precision and time management. One of Bradley’s biggest passions   environment fit-outs, tenant build-outs, and numerous types of
     I encourage Alex to keep up the excellent work. And once again, thank   helping the team meet our deadlines. Thank you for everything you have   is spending time with his wife Chelsea and son Tyler. Thank you for   electrical retrofitting & upgrades. His leadership and hard work
     him for all that he has done as a valued member of the Rosendin Team.  done and continue to do. Congratulations on your work anniversary!  your hard work, your dependability, and commitment to Rosendin.  have always been beyond our expectations and have contributed
     Contributed by Merle Porter                               Contributed by Tram Pham                                            Contributed by Justin Houser                          significantly throughout our journey as a service department.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Contributed by Alvin Headspeth

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