Page 7 - 2023_Service Awards
P. 7

Celebrating 10 Years of Service

 Brandon Peeler  Brian Busch  Caleb Woodard                    Cassandra Morales
 General Foreman   Director of Preconstruction   Site Superintendent   Purchasing Applications Specialist
 Anaheim, CA  Anaheim, CA  Tempe, AZ                           Pflugerville, TX                                       10 Years of Service

 Congratulations on reaching this milestone! We applaud your dedication   Brian began his journey with us in 2013    Caleb joined Rosendin in 2013.    Cassandra joined the purchasing team early 2021. She brought
 and recognize you for the work you do every day that impacts the   as a senior project manager. Over the    He was continually recognized for   her vast field experience to the purchasing department where she
 company and those we serve.  ensuing years, Brian has risen through the   his leadership and work ethic. After   assists a special project with field material requisitions. Cassandra
 Contributed by Lee Gutierrez  ranks, first as a division manager and to his   completion of his apprenticeship,   has proven to be a valuable member of the team and has been
 current position as Director of Preconstruction   he was promoted to foreman then   insightful digitizing the field order process. We love having her
 for SoCal. Brian has consistently exhibited   general foreman and is now the Site   on our team and look forward to her continued growth with
 an exceptional blend of leadership, expertise, and commitment to   Superintendent for the MAZ project. Caleb does a great job of   purchasing and Rosendin!
 Rosendin’s growth. His ability to navigate challenges and deliver    recognizing the potential in others even if they don’t always see    Contributed by Mike Sroufe
 success for his team has been crucial in his advancement. We   it in themselves. His mentorship and training makes the team
 appreciate his commitment to Rosendin and ensuring success.  better as individuals and leaders. Thank you for being a part of
 Contributed by John Messick  Rosendin, we look forward to many years to come!
        Contributed by John Loukusa

 Brian Carroll  Brian Casby  Chris Gerber                                         Christi Sova
 General Foreman   General Foreman   Director of Preconstruction                  Project Manager I
 Tempe, AZ  San Jose, CA   Pflugerville, TX                                       Tempe, AZ

 Brian is started with Rosendin in March of 2013. He is a problem solver   Brian joined our highway division in 2013. His vast experience with   Chris is a unique blend of operations   Christi is a very passionate individual
 who has tackled some challenging projects. He always leads his team   road intersections and understanding of underground applications   and estimating which makes for an   who has worked for us since 2013.
 to successful project execution. Brian continues to excel with training   is unmatched. His “safety first” approach to underground challenges   extraordinary preconstruction lead.    She has traveled to multiple states
 future leaders.  has earned him the respect and trust from his crew. Brian brings   His attention to detail and operational   for Rosendin and has moved up from
 Contributed by Jay Randall  a positive attitude and effective communication to every shift he   mind helps ensure the bids/budgets    being an administrative assistant
 starts. Even under extreme pressure, Brian is known to maintain   have everything necessary to have    to her current position as a project
 his composure and confidence in the tasks at hand. Thank you   a successful job. With Chris’ relationships and ability to provide   manager. She shows the WE CARE by being involved in many
 for being a part of the Rosendin team and the years to come.   accurate budgets, he has helped grow REI Texas to one of    community programs, like the Arizona Foundation for Women,
 Contributed by Leo Morrison  the largest revenue and profitability teams in Rosendin!    ABA (PMDP grad class of ‘21), and created/teaches the project
        His true passion is his family, growing the people that   management module at Grand Canyon University for the electrical
        work for him, and, of course, fishing. Our group in Texas   pre-apprenticeship program. Thank you, Christi, for all that you do
        couldn’t ask for a better teammate and friend.         and I am glad to have you on my team!
        Contributed by Shaun Mahan                             Contributed by Bret Bodinet

 Brian Fizer  Bruce Clodfelter II  Christopher Pustorino       Colton Miller
 Residential Wireman   Vice President of Field Operations   Project Manager I   Director of Project Management Applications
 Sterling, VA  Sterling, VA  Charlotte, NC                     Tempe, AZ
 Over the past 10 years, Brian has worked, as a truck driver, the tool guy,   Bruce has been a positive influence in    Chris joined Rosendin in 2013.    Colton’s exceptional leadership skills and expertise have played
 shipping and receiving, and currently as a lead guy on the prefab floor   his 10 years of service at Rosendin. His   Within a few months, he was    a pivotal role in the continuation of our company’s RMS initiative.
 in Sterling, VA. As A prefab lead person he has displayed an exceptional   experience starting out running work for   promoted from journeyman to    His ability to navigate challenges and find solutions has contributed
 spirit of innovation. His continuing commitment to excellence has    this company as a general foreman and   foreman, then to project manager.    to the success of our projects. His analytical skills and attention to
 led to development of processes that have contributed to a positive    superintendent has allowed him to become   Chris has managed various projects.   detail have earned him trust and respect. His passion for excellence
 and user-friendly prefab experience. His knowledge of the industry    a mentor and friend to many foremen,   Chris always demonstrates high work   and understanding of the industry make him an asset to our team.
 and leadership skills have helped streamline flow of the process from    superintendents, and project managers. His influence on planning,   ethic and a tireless drive. He is always willing to go the extra mile.   We are grateful for his contributions and look forward to many
 the prefab shop to the field. He has a great attitude and is great with    setting standards, customer service, training, and safety has been an   Even under pressure, Chris leads with great professionalism and   more years of collaboration and success.
 the people around him.   integral part to the success of the East region. From our first project   with the strongest level of interpersonal and communications skills.   Contributed by Fred Meeske
 Contributed by Derek Colbert  together, to now being partners over top of the East region, I look   He consistently gets high marks from our customers. It is a true
 forward to many more years of success and friendship. Congratulations!  pleasure to work Chris. Congrats on your 10-year anniversary!
 Contributed by Matt Orosz  Contributed by Sascha Kunz

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