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Celebrating 10 Years of Service
     Celebrating 10 Y        ears of Ser    vic e

     Danny Mogford                                                                Darin Schwab                                                        Dustin Bransford                                      Dustin McIntosh
     Construction Electrician                                                     Foreman                                                             Program Engineer                                      Senior Project Manager
     Pflugerville, TX                                                             Sacramento, CA                                                      Vancouver, WA                                         Caldwell, ID                        10 Years of Service

     Danny is celebrating 10 years with Rosendin. Danny joined the MV             Darin came back to Rosendin in 2013                                 Since joining Rosendin in June                        Dustin joined Rosendin in 2013
     team in 2017 and since then, he has continuously assisted with projects      as a foreman in Sacramento where he is                              2013, Dustin has been instrumental                    as an assistant project manager for
     of all sizes from the smallest after hours service calls, to our largest data   currently a vital part of our success. He                        in developing standards for building                  DIV2.He worked his way up to project
     centers. He adapts quickly and is always eager to do more than what          has worked on several of the area’s most                            audio visual projects. With his expertise             manager, and later, senior project
     is asked of him. His positive attitude, motivation, and work ethic has       prestigious projects. During Darin’s free time,                     in estimating, engineering, programming,              manager in 2016. In 2022, Dustin
     been an outstanding example and beneficial influence on our team.            he is an avid wood worker where he enjoys                           and unwavering commitment, he                         moved his family to Boise Idaho
     Congratulations on 10 years and I’m looking forward to your continued   new and creative challenges. Darin is most proud of his family, including   has played a vital role in shaping the group into what it is today.    to help us break into a new market and manage work for new
     success with Rosendin.                                     his wife, Anita and children Shane, Ashley, and Trey. Thank you, Darin,   We extend our heartfelt thanks for his continued dedication and   clients and general contractors. His knowledge of the industry
     Contributed by Rogelio Wallace                             for years of dedication and commitment to the growth of the REI brand.  essential contributions over the past 10 years. His positive attitude,   and drive to succeed have been instrumental in the success
                                                                Contributed by John Thiessen                                       mentorship, and commitment to excellence make him a true asset   of getting this new market off the ground. Thank you for
                                                                                                                                   to the Rosendin team.                                 everything you do, we look forward to many years to come!
                                                                                                                                   Contributed by Kirk Condurachi                        Contributed by Robert John

     David Ward                                                David White                                                         Eric Castaneda                                        Eugen Drambarean
     Senior Project Manager                                    Foreman                                                             Technician                                            Journeyman
     Corpus Christi, TX                                        Hillsboro, OR                                                       San Jose, CA                                          Hillsboro, OR
     David has been a great addition to our Division 15 team here in Texas.   Dave started with Rosendin in November of 2013. He was helping    Eric is a solid technician that can be tasked to perform and/or    Gino is a very motivated individual who has been working on
     He is very diligent in his work and certainly deserves the recognition.   with logistics for one of our biggest clients in Oregon. While working    lead any activity on a job site. He started with Rosendin as an    our team since 2013. His experience of wire pulling was crucial
     Congratulations on your milestone.                        as a material handler, he proved to be self-motivated, always looking    S&C installer and is currently a technician on a building project.    with the amount of power clusters REI installed. He used
                                                               for the next thing to accomplish. He soon took a lead role, overseeing   His biggest strength is that he’s well versed in most disciplines in    his past experience as an Intel RAC’s tech to QA/QC all the
     Contributed by Scott Dagner
                                                               the daily shipping and personnel for our main shop in Hillsboro. Dave   the low voltage world, i.e. structured cabling, fiber/cooper, DAS etc.  terminations. He takes pride in workmanship, which you can
                                                               also runs our label department, making labels and phenolics for multiple    Contributed by Ray Cisneros                   see in his quality of work. His knowledge of the substations kept
                                                               sites across the nation. Thank you, Dave, for your service, dedication,                                                   our team safe at all times. Thank you, Gino, for your continued
                                                               and willingness to always improve our processes for the better.                                                           commitment and service to the team and Rosendin!
                                                               Contributed by Dale Huskey                                                                                                Contributed by Rebecca Skorich

     Devin Smith                                                                  Doug Hamby                                       Ezequiel Martinez                                                        Frank Molina
     Journeyman                                                                   BIM Manager                                      Foreman                                                                  Engineering Team Lead
      Grapevine, TX                                                               Phoenix, AZ                                      Pflugerville, TX                                                         Anaheim, CA
     Devin started as a first year apprentice. He elevated to QAQC after          Doug has been a reliable and committed           Ezequiel (Eze) joined Rosendin on Sep. 10th, 2013 as a JW. With          Frank is a motivated engineer who
     becoming one of the best terminators in building from 2018 to                team member in his 10 years with Rosendin.       his willingness to work hard as a foreman over the course of his         has been with Rosendin since 2013.
     2019 while working in field. He has highlighted many deficiencies            He has been a key factor in the success          employment, Eze has worked on many diverse projects such as              His expertise has allowed him to
     and room for improvement mean while everyone else remained                   of projects by addressing their needs and        Courtyard Marriott, Metropolis, Century City and Grand just to           work on designs ranging from a full
     comfortable with the same results. Devin has been one of the                 thinking outside the box. Doug has numerous      name a few. Eze has recently helped Rosendin finish a project            HV substation to distribution level design
     most versatile personnel; mentally and physically since the start            projects under his belt including Facebook       at 8th & Fig. Rosendin is fortunate to have him. Congratulations,        supporting utility, renewables, and even
     of his career. Devin is an influencer, a trend-setter, and a brother   data centers, hospitals, and skyscrapers. His professional attitude and   Eze on reaching your 10-year milestone.  commercial designs. He directly contributed to the development
     everyone would be fortunate to have. He is about as loyal as loyal   calm demeanor are a welcomed element on any project he is a part of.   Contributed by Lee Gutierrez            of the Renewable Engineering Medium Voltage group. Thank you
     would come. Congratulations, I hope you have at least another   I look forward to working with Doug in the future as he expresses his                                               for your 10 years of continued commitment and service to the
     10-15 years in you because your journey has just began.    talent as a designer and leader.                                                                                         team and Rosendin. We hope to have you as part of our family
     Contributed by Shedrick Young                              Contributed by Clayton Adams                                                                                             for many years more!
                                                                                                                                                                                         Contributed by Manuel Rosabal

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