Page 13 - Q1_2023_Corp Newsletter
P. 13

      With nearly two years of remote work and greater lifestyle   Participants complete an assessment designed to uncover their
      flexibility, job applicants have gotten much more selective   top five strengths; it is presented during the Self-Discovery
      about the employers they choose. In 2021-2022, Rosendin   class. The second class, Team Dynamics, incorporates a better
      decided that the more competitive recruitment and retention   understanding of how to work with those strengths and how
      marketplace required special attention. Thus, “Invest in the   strengths play out in team dynamics. In one of the activities,
      Best: Attract, Develop, and Retain the Best and Brightest in the   participants are provided with a department-specific problem to
      Industry” was born as a key organizational goal.         solve. They must determine which strengths would be needed
                                                               to accomplish the task and then put together the right team
      “Many industries currently are struggling with the issue of   using cards that show only the participant’s top five strengths.
      diversity and inclusion. In the construction industry, it has   No other indicators (such as name, gender, role, experience,
      been incredibly difficult to attract and maintain the younger   etc.) are provided in order to eliminate unconscious bias.
      generations, as they are seeking collaborative and inclusive
      environments not typical in the industry,” say Training   “The program intends to demonstrate that the diversity of
      Coordinator Kayla Hart and Vice President of Learning and   strengths, as with the diversity of people, creates a stronger
      Development Stephanie Roldan. “The company needed a      team. All new hires come to the company with valuable
      program that taught not only gender and ethnic diversity, but   individual strengths that make teams stronger,” Hart and
      also generational diversity. A novel approach to solving this   Roldan explain.
      issue was through deploying a program called ‘Core Clarity   To attract younger generations and help them see construction
      Strengths Finders.’”                                     as a viable option in lieu of college, the Rosendin Talent
      Rosendin’s Training Department launched the Core Clarity   Development team speaks at high schools to students and
      program across the organization beginning in 2018. Before   parents about the benefits of entering the International
      working with each department or group, each participant is   Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). “As part of this
      assessed in three areas:                                 endeavor, the Workforce Development Program was developed
                                                               to provide younger generations the skills they need to enter the
       1.  Safety: How psychologically safe do they feel on a team?  Apprenticeship Training Program and retain those who come
                                                               to our company by providing and onboarding experience that
       2.  Belonging: Do they feel they are part of the team?
                                                               presents an inclusive and welcoming environment,” Hart and
       3.  Mattering: Do they feel like what they do matters?  Roldan say.

      ROSENDIN’S LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT TEAM. Top row, from left: Brandon Dickey, Mike Murphy, Erik Eastland, Kayla Hart, Dani
      Stauft, and Steve Montalvo. Center row, from left, the L&D Leadership Team: Jeremy Schaefer, Irma Hurtado, Stephanie Roldan, Jeff Daigle,
      and Phillip Browning. Bottom row, from left: Te’osha Baker-Bunch, Mario Flores, Sean Richards, Connor Greenawalt, Matt Kitzmiller, and
      Stephan Cole.
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