Page 22 - Q1_2023_Corp Newsletter
P. 22
BENEFIT FROM By Duncan Frederick
VP of Business Development
he Rosendin Renewable Energy Group (RREG) was formed in 2009, when renewable energy
was far less widespread in terms of availability and consumption. Over the past fourteen years,
T Rosendin has helped our clients harness and deliver nearly 32 GW of clean, renewable energy
generated by wind and solar technologies.
Since 2012, RREG has functioned as a utility-scale solar What all these capabilities and experiences mean to our
engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor communities can be described through real numbers that
and has installed over 6 GW worth of large-scale solar and have a tremendous impact on our environment, health, and
battery storage farms across the United States. RREG's projects wallets. In particular, the 3,000 MW installed since 2020
range from 500 KW to more than 720 MW and utilize various produced $250 million in direct community investments. When
rooftop, canopy, and ground-mount technologies. RREG a Rosendin team begins building, the local community sees
has provided extensive design-build expertise and turnkey enormous financial gains from investment in local housing,
EPC capabilities to over 330 projects in the United States, patronizing local businesses and restaurants, and utilizing local
Canada, Puerto Rico, and Guam. The group also provides subcontractors to work on the site rather than outsourcing.
in-house full-service design-build solutions for medium
voltage collection systems, turnkey power substations, long Rosendin's mission is to build quality, build value, and build
haul transmission installations, and battery energy storage people. This statement is taken to heart by our employees,
for all types of renewable energy projects nationwide. so when a Rosendin team comes to town, you can expect
to see them getting involved in the community through
In the past three years alone (2020-2022), RREG has installed volunteerism. Beyond what the people of Rosendin can
over 3,000 MW combined in California, Texas, Arizona, and provide, it is also important to note our work's other
Nevada. This performance helped Rosendin rank in the output: helping the environment. The power generated
country's top 5 utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) EPCs and from that 3,000 MW is equivalent to powering over
as the number one PV+ Storage EPC nationwide on Solar 500,000 homes in one year. It also offsets the carbon
Power World's 2022 Top Solar Contractors list. Rosendin also output of 6.6 trillion miles driven by an average gasoline-
significantly impacted two of its target market states, California powered car. Overall, Rosendin strives to be the number
and Nevada, ranking as the top utility-scale PV installer for 2022. one choice for our clients, community, and the planet.